A New Dawn

Day 547, 09:01 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

Isn't it exciting? For the first time in my eRepublic history, our country is ACTUALLY doing something rather than sitting around plodding funds into ATLANTIS. Sure that was great for a while, but it descended into trench warfare, the kind seen in the First World War where the lines went back and forth, back and forth and it just got dull.

Now what do we have? Our great alliance, ATLANTIS, has collapsed under the weight of wars and cheaters. The Romanians withdrawing from war showed the first signs, but then an ATLANTIS nation declaring war on another ATLANTIS nation and members taking sides led to the straw breaking the camels back and now it is all over.

So where does this lead us you may wonder? A peace proposal with Sweden is currently in the works, but when Poland go to war with Germany, our ally and who we have an MPP with we will be plunged into war once again. Most think that the Swedes are responsible, and that we would rather go to war with them than sign a peace treaty. However, with a Swedish border and right now not a lot of money due to it being held ransom by someone convinced he has our best interests at heart.

But now we must forge forward, a few new alliances are in the works, I can't say much here but there is definite progress in building a new one based on the trust of it's members. All I can say is that I hope they hurry up, because although we have an MPP with Romania they are on strike and aren't our biggest friends right now either, and I'm sure France wants revenge for Operation French Toast. For those who don't remember that, look at the name. 😃

We now need a new direction, one that takes us away from our old allies and helps us build for a better future!

IndieKid, Proud eUK Congressman and Cabinet Minist