A new chapter ahead…

5 days ago Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George
A short announcement

Wingfield and I have been in discussion for a while about our e-lives and what roads we could travel.

We both require a diversity of thought and as life is too fleeting and no-one knows what’s next, we plan to leave the eUK for a new country/community of players for a change in scenery.

The eUK has some great players and a strong community which does mean it is a very difficult decision to leave however we both find new challenges can lead to improvement, could allow us to find greater satisfaction, and provides a fresh opportunity to help and support others.

New surroundings in which we can continue to develop our accounts, grow and build new friendships and take on new roles.

For all those in the eUK who supported us, provided us with your time, advice and friendship, We thank you and appreciated you. We will always remain happy to receive a friendly message from you, be one citizenship pass away and in times of trouble for the UK willing to be called forth to the battlefield at any moment.

However, for the immediate future somewhere new to hang our hats and participate in building a the community there, for us is what we have decided would provide the most satisfaction to our style of play.

Huey George (above) and Wingfield (below) getting ready to depart

Thanks for reading

Keep in touch, our hearts and minds will always remain partly in the eUK however far we go away 💕

Huey George and Wingfield