A New Begining for the Irish Union Party

Day 518, 16:24 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization

Within this article I would like to announce a new beginning in the Irish Union Party. This article was written by myself (the current party president) and the esteemed Nithraldur (the party's second most experienced member and former country president). It is divided into four segments: Cooperation, Unity, Activity and finally Tradition. This is not a manifesto (I will publish a congress manifesto closer to the election) but more an outline as to what the party stands for and an indication as to where the party is heading.

This new era will signal the significance of cooperation, not just cooperation between those within our own party but also cooperation with other parties. Last month Igor was pretty much the face of the Irish Union Party and while he did do a lot of good, he also started unnecessary disputes with other parties. I'm sure many of you remember the mudslinging that took place earlier this month and last month. I have no quarrels with other parties in eIreland and have the utmost respect for many politicians outside of the Irish Union Party. There is no need for esteemed politicians to dispute with each other (after all, most want the same thing just said in a different way). We should acknowledge the merits of all politicians regardless of their party and should work together for the benefit of all our citizens. Sure, we will debate and disagree however we should not divide and fight. An eIreland where all citizens cooperate with each other may sound like a utopia however it is something which can be achieved. We will face many challenges in the future however let us face them together, not as divided bodies, but as eIrish citizens.

The Irish Union Party firmly believes in middle ground politics, we embrace all political ideologies. Whether he was aware of it or not, our previous party president started labeling the Irish Union Party with the traits of a conservative party. We are not a conservative party. We do have conservatives within the party however their opinions should not and will not hold any more weight than that of the opinions of socialists or other political entities within the party. The main reason I joined the Irish Union Party was because the party realized the importance of embracing all ideologies within a political system. Having but one ideology within a system prevents innovation and discourages any proper scrutiny or debate. In short, it is naive to believe one ideology is superior to all others. Furthermore, the economic, social and political situation in eRepublik is very much different to real life. It is impractical to try and implement one ideology in full in eRepublik. Thus, having citizens from across the political spectrum working together for the common good makes more sense. This signals the end of any controversy revolving around the Irish Union Party and dispels any fears the party is moving to the right of the political spectrum.

We are going to make a fresh start and set up a new party forum. All party members will be encouraged to join it and I will see to it that the forum those not become inactive like our previous one. The Irish Union Party will not become a party where its members are just another number. It would be easy for me to write up a long manifesto outlining what I believe in, however that would not be what the party believes in. Of course, I cannot promise all Irish Union Party members support a certain policy but I can listen to all members and I can incorporate ideas into party policy. Since being appointed party president I have contacted everybody within the party and have replied to every message I have received (I have even entered into ongoing correspondence with some members). I cannot emphasize enough the importance of activity and strongly encourage all member to be pro active in the media, in the eIreland forum and in the party forum. It is equally important that those in Congress remain active also (after all, they were elected to serve to people) and I will promote accountability, accessibility and activity from all Irish Union Party public representatives. Our party is the largest party in eIreland however that does not mean we can just lay back for a while. It is imperative we continue to take an active role in eIrish politics and together we can turn promises into effective action.

Tradition (Nithraldur)
Just a bit earlier in this article we said we'd be taking a fresh start. Why is there a paragraph labeled 'Traditions' then, you ask? Well the answer to that is quite simple. If you don't learn from the past, you will make the same mistakes again. History plays an important role in any society. The IUP has always been middle – ground, willing to compromise, dispersing ministerial positions and so forth... It has also shown it's adaptability to the times at hand, changing to the tactic best suited for the perils we face. Lately that image has been clouded, clouded by misjudgment and bad guidance. Now is the time for our traditions of old come back. Our internal management should be reversed to the one we used to have, before our party suffered a blow at the hand of our previous party leader. I was there when the IUP was formed. I was there to see it form it's opinion on what true Unity really is. I was there to see it evolve to what it is now. I just cannot stand idly by and let all of these things happen, all of our values washing down the drain, action has to be taken! That's why I believe that holding fast to our traditions, keeping our ability to adapt to any situation, will only serve Ireland and it's citizens, for in the ever changing eWorld, not a single approach can be proclaimed the one and only just one. That said, the IUP internal management will be, once again, conducted in coherency with its members who all may have different views on things. If we mold all those ideas together, use our combined intellect to find the middle – road, I am sure that the approach deemed most beneficial for Ireland and it's honorable people will prevail.

Thank you for your attention and time.