A Modest Proposal

Day 1,708, 04:34 Published in Canada Canada by Randall Flagg 1999

The current eAmerican CP will most likely disregard anything I write here, but I think some of the ideas I am putting down here have been floating around in many peoples minds.

I'm not going to beat the dead horse of who started this, we all know who did and who is responsible, no need to go over it again. That said, I am calling out to the next eAmerican congress to consider my modest proposal.

We are still close allies of the eAmerican people and always will be. Even with your governments blockade of our resources we know this is not your doing but that of an androgynous ghost of a player.

Therefore I propose to you that once the dust settles we work to rebuild both our countries. First by lifting this blockade so we can reestablish ourselves as the middle power ally we are. Then, and this is where I will take flak, give us Alaska.

Why? Simply because you don't really need it and we do. The eUSA would still have an extra three oil regions after such a gesture of good faith. This war has strained relations to the peak. At first many laughed it off somewhat, knowing that neither side would put to much damage to attack the other, but know we are surrounded and cut off by your governments actions. Only you, the eAmerican people can help us now.

We have a growing eSpain right at our doors and we both need to be at peak to take them down. The mystery wo/man CP has signed a pact with them for now, but it won't last. And once we can get our hands on some Alaskan crude our own military will be better suited to helping your keep economy bonuses from both eMexico and eSpain. Why fight both alone when you can do so with a friend?