A Mississippi Victory Dedicated to a Dear Friend

Day 523, 17:46 Published in USA USA by Bill Brasky

Mississippi, I want to thank you once again! You’ve once again shown your confidence in me as your Congressman, and I do not take that lightly. This Congress is very exciting to be a part of, with many new incomers that will make for an interesting group. This being my third term, I’m slowly becoming a senior Congressman, and I hope I can guide these new Congress members to make the eUSA to the best of my ability.

All that aside, I’d like to personally thank Jay Garcia of the USWP for running an excellent and clean race. We spoke briefly after the elections ended, and he seems like a really great guy. I hope to see more of him over the coming month, as I think he could definitely make a serious impact in the eUSA, and I look forward to hearing his opinion on the issues I present to the people of Mississippi.

I would also take a little time to give a shout out to the Federalist Party. We did very well last night, scoring victories in all 4 states we ran in. We had two incumbents winning, Gilroy in Maine (So where was that snipe job Gilroy? 😉 ), and myself in Mississippi. I’m happy to say our two new candidates won close races, Ther3alsyler in Oklahoma, and Justin Warren in South Dakota. These two guys are excellent candidates, and they won’t let their states down. Congratulations guys, you earned it! Also, I have to say I was on IRC last night, and my friends made it quite entertaining. Thanks for keeping me company guys. I would also like to thank the AAP and the Libs for their willingness to let our candidates to run under their banner.

This part is special. This goes beyond the Federalist Party, to my dear friend Tiacha. Gaius Julius and I spoke last night about Tiacha’s current feud with the USWP, and more specifically, a certain Lowell Kennedy. Tiacha taught Gaius and I how to play this game, how to be successful at what we do, and set a perfect example that I can only hope to live up to. Lowell’s newest article is his most brash and most downright mean thing he has said. Listen to the Justinious’ most recent podcast and tell me someone who cares more about the eUSA than Tiacha. I can think of no one who dedicates more time, more effort, and is more dedicated than her, and that is why I will always stand up against this jackass and anyone who tries to belittle the work Tiacha has done for this country. I’m sorry he’s bitter about losing to someone who stepped in to block him in Tiacha’s wake, but that gives him no right to attack her on a personal level. Tiacha taught me almost all I know, and I will always be in her debt for that. If there is one thing I can say to her it is this: Don’t let Lowell put you off of eRepublik. He’s not, and never will be worth it. All the people that truly matter support you, please stick around. The Federalist family is always behind you, and so are so many others! With that said, my victory in Mississippi yesterday is dedicated to her, and all she has taught and has yet to teach me.

Finally, here’s my voting record for the last little stint of the 16th Congress. (Lulz proposals omitted)

I’m lumping all MPP’s together because I always support more allies. I voted yes on MPPs with the following countries: Finland, England, Spain, Czech Republic, and Romania.

20000 USD for 1000 Gol😛 No, we don’t need to tinker with the economy.

Tax Change Foo😛 No, the tax change was so miniscule that it really wouldn’t change much in the long run.

Donate 99999 to CBO: Yes, this has become standard procedure, and seeing as it is enforced with a contract I can support these shifts now.

Once again, thank you Mississippi! I am proud to be serving you once again. You made this possible, and I thank you for it.

Also, Emerick for West Virginia!

-Bill Brasky
3 Term Congressman Mississippi