A Message From Former Pakatan Rakyat President

Day 819, 12:22 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by cct_84

Good Day eMalaysian and Pakatan Rakyat Supporters,

I am here to declared that i am failed to retain my President seat in the recent Pakatan Rakyat Party President election.

First of all, i would like to thanks the party members who had cast their votes to support me, thanks for your votes, i really appreciate it.

The PP election result:

Virus 14 = 48
cct_84 = 40
HajdukVeljko = 1
mohd sufian = 0

I am really suprise that the total number (89 votes) of votes in the election are more than our party members (70 members), 127% of Pakatan Rakyat party member are casting their votes in the recent party election?

Before the election, i am trying to reach virus 13 on why he going to against me in the coming party president election because i had warned by country leader that there are the possibility that e Serbian is trying to PTO any eMalaysia political party so they can use this ticket to contest in the coming congress election and finally PTO eMalaysia. The question here is, should we unite to against the PTOers or we are fighting ourself for our own interest? but unfortunately, i never get any reply from him.

So, virus 13 win with 8 majority votes against me and the first step he do is to change the party name. Actually i heard some rumour before the election that somebody is not happy with the party logo and party name (because related to RL politic stuffs?) so they are trying to take over Pakatan Rakyat and rename the party and logo. but the question here is why nobody from the party member told me anything before the election?

And somebody say it just a internal issue and if i cant settle it so why i qualified to lead this party? (third largest party in eMalaysia). i need to remind you the history of this party, in the begining, there are only around 10 members in this party and to avoid the PTOers to contest in the congress election with Malaysian Tiger Party ticket, there are many non-PR members joining this party so that Malaysian Tiger could not contested in congress election. (only top 5 party can contest in congress election).

However, i still congrats virus 13.

But, there are some questions from me to the new president of Party Untuk Semua (ex-Pakatan Rakyat):

1) What is your vision and mission for the party in the future?

2) Why you are changing the party name? if you are not happy with the party name why you never discuss with me before or why you join this party?

3) Do you believe the spirit of democracy?

i hope the new party president able to answer my question in the next 24 hours and i hope i can cooperate with the new president if the new president are not dissapointing me.


former Pakatan Rakyat President

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