A look at the times

Day 581, 13:24 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

As I look at the political scene from afar in Israel at this moment, we are at a stand still in time. Over the course of the last month we have regained our regions from the brutal yet diminishing forces of the Turkish Empire, so we begin to rise from the ashes as a struggling re-united un glorified nation. We have released ourselves from their grip with the mindset that we shall never again be held in bondage by a hostile nation such as itself. I look on in the pages of eIsrael’s history and see that the dear long time leader President Sadeh Badeh had left us. Sadeh the foundation and cornerstone of the now diminishing Israel Workers Party that has since been plagued with multi’s, and other terrible and unfortunate events that can happen to a party without proper leadership. Sadeh led the party and formed a regime like coalition of people around him that ensured his thoughts, views, and initiatives were put in place whether the real majority, including several members of his own cabinet and party agreed with them or not. Sadeh was clearly in charge, with a majority IWP congress in place, he could push a button and his initiatives were to be done in a smooth manner. The Initiatives that Sadeh initiated were not always bad, Sadeh took the reigns during a hard hard period for little Israel, from the beginnings of the first resistance wars with the north district, He helped ensure medical and defense systems in the area when some were skeptical and moved to block the initiative as a whole.

And so we sit without a great leader, Congress was clearly torn and confused from everything that had happened within the month, as they could not decide whether to impeach Sadeh at his request or not? It took 3 tries if you recall properly. As I turn the page I see a man on the upcoming a man name Gzen, The first Likud Party member to become president in modern times. This is much contested by a man named Buzzy thecat, Buzzy claims and has proven that Sadeh handed the keys to finance and other tools to buzzy during his final hours in office directing Buzzy to handle Israel at the best of his ability. This move was viewed by a wide majority as a continued power grab and last minute struggle for the IWP to hold on to the real power a little longer and to block a president that would come from a different party. Gzen the gentleman he unfortunately is was forced into going along with buzzy and announcing that he would be vice to buzzy as president because Buzzy has the tools to run the nation, the Finances, the spreadsheets, the material, What other choice did poor Gzen have? He either took a vice seat or would be cast to the side all together if he contested sharply. Gzen has however gone down in the History books as an official president of Israel at a point in time. Some view these moves by the Likud member Gzen as a classic likud reach across the Isle even when Likud has been in the right in gods eyes, and the IWP leadership has been wrong, This is the way that Personally view it.

So as we look at the situation today we have a torn and confused IWP congress who cannot decide what their agenda is without proper leadership, A rising Likud party with detailed ideas on the way it wants to lead the nation forward released by the party leader Jeff Sullivan that the majority involved loved to pieces, a nation without a real president, just a name figure, for face value to foreign countries and a member of the IWP who also head s up our armed services division holding the keys to countries finance and strategy materials, and who knows what else, and a most likely brewing behind the curtain Turkey for the recent regions we have re-gained., and a Faltering economy. As we look into the future we can only hope that the congressional elections taking place tomorrow will be a sign to the people of Israel to wake up and make the vote count. Will there be a congress that has a back bone and will not go along with everything the president says just to gain a vote? Will we have a clear president with good leadership skills in the coming month? Will turkey try to re-take our regions? Will Sadeh ever re-appear as a strong political figure? How will Gzens moves be viewed in the long term overall strategy of his party? A defector or a passionate man with morals?

What is next for little Israel? Heaven only knows. We can only hope that we have strong leadership, Morals, and a backbone to lead us through a tough E-world. Will our economy grow stronger, will we be force to be reckoned with. I have ideas and predictions, but we will just have to wait and see.

Justin Moore
The Daily Journal