A Look at the Presidential Race

Day 957, 09:51 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

Well, tomorrow (or today) is the big day! One of the most important presidential elections eIsrael will ever have. The President that will lead us into V2.

Now I know all 3 of these candidates pretty well, and I know all 3 of them will do a great job if elected. Now I'm going to start with a summary of the 3 people running

Franz Kafka

-Shalom Party CP Candidate

-One of the greats when it comes to eIsrael. A two-time President of our holy nation, Franz has been apart of eIsrael for quite some time now, and has always proved himself a remarkably classy and clever guy. His strength is Finance, far and away, and that could prove extremely helpful for starting up V2. He's done a marvelous job of being President, and would serve our country well heading in. His main platform here focuses on three themes.

1. Education
2. Enterprise
3. Entente

These 3 are very important positions that MUST be well-handled to make a successful landing into V2. Franz is one of the most capable guys around to handle this leadership role.


-Israeli Democratic Party CP Candidate

-Aeroner is also a long-time member of eIsrael. He has shown time and again his dedication to this country, his stead-fastness, and his determination to have not only himself, but the whole country continue to succeed. He's always active on the IRC, and he's a very chill and capable guy, ready to lead a nation after many unsuccessful runs at President. His platform here focuses on 5 main points:

1. Establish a more unified eIsrael.
2. More citizen involvement and help, increasing citizen retention, and also informing citizens of the confusing world that is V2.
3. Version 2 Preparedness.
4. Create a more functional eIDF.
5. Become more active on the world scale, and help influence Sol to make the alliance a truly great entity.

While some of these goals are typical of any candidate, Aeroner might be the best at putting most of these into action and being successful at them. One thing is sure, he definitley deserves a shot at the Presidency.

Gavin Wax

-United Zionist Party CP Candidate

-Our final candidate for the race, Gavin has shown that even as a newer player you can certainly rack up importance into making a powerful stand as a player. Taking advantage of the Turkish attacks, after all RW's were secured, Gavin, to his amazing credit, was able to build up the UZP to heights it had never seen before. Gavin stands by his opinions and never backs down, something I truly admire about him, as everyone should. Gavin's main platform here explains everything, of course, he has a whole bunch if you want to take the time to look at them all. His experience is good, and will support eIsrael in any situation. Gavin's main areas of focus will be in the Foreign Affairs and Defense.

So, eIsrael, where does this leave us?

I'll just throw out the areas I THINK the candidates have the advantage in. This is my opinion, you are free to disagree with it. Please don't argue about it 😃

Foreign Affairs: Advantage Gavin Wax

Defense: Advantage Aeroner

Finance/Economics: Advantage Franz Kafka

Domestic: Advantage Gavin Wax, Aeroner

V2 Preparedness: Advantage Franz Kafka, Aeroner

Public Support: Advantage Franz Kafka, Gavin Wax

Experience: Advantage Franz Kafka

Unifying eIsrael/Less Bipartisanship Issues: Advantage Aeroner

Well that's about it. As a former CP Candidate who did lose, I know that even if you do not succeed in the elections, there is still plenty to do around eIsrael. And there's always next time.


Yours in eIsrael's hands,

Sam Krakower