A life spent creating weapons.

Day 502, 22:01 Published in USA South Africa by Epic Thoughts

I look at the meager amount of skill I have in manufacture ring. Looking back, two months ago when I started playing Erep, I wish I hadn’t gone into working as a harvester. That was at the tail end of the trivia game, and you were able to gain more than the simple, relegated amount of skill points each day. You could either win big, or you could end up losing big. Watching my manufacturing skill rise 0.05 points each day, I wish I had a chance to gamble.

Sine I started working in manufacturing, I’ve worked in the arms industry. Its good work. Conflict is rife and the world is embroiled in a red tide of violence from Siberia to Baja. Even with the meager amount of time I’ve spent building firearms for the people of America, South Africa, Germany and Romania, I cannot imagine the number of guns I’ve made.

How many weapons have I helped create?

And how many lives will they devastate?

Which government will be the next to topple? Which culture the next to suffer?

I look at the active war list, and I see Italy sinking its teeth in Austria without any outcry from anyone. I see Romania, Norway, Poland, Hungary and Indonesia engaged in a frantic and energetic swapping of territories that would confuse even the most analytical minds, and is likely driving Gobba to exhaustion with the need to update his maps.

And I look at my home, America, and what do I see?

War games.

And I ask myself again; how many weapons have I helped to create? How many lives will they devastate?

And I know that answer; not enough.