A Lesson on Consequences (Indonesian Edition)

Day 527, 11:35 Published in Indonesia South Africa by Epic Thoughts

It’s been a crazy few days. Romania’s advance has been slowed by the constant resistance wars in former Russian and Chinese regions, but those delaying tactics have proven to be just that; a delay. Indonesian territories continue to fall, and Indonesian attacks continue to fail.

And now, after months of political obscurity and suffering under Indonesia, South Africa has leapt into the fray. Having reached out and being contacted by numerous political leaders across the world, South Africa’s recent surge of patriotism and sacrifice is lead by their pre, Jizzie McGuire.

Take it from me, readers, this fight has been a long time coming. I’ve spoken with Jizzie on a few occasions, and I believe that you’d be hard pressed to find a more honest man in all of the new world. For the past six months, he has tried, and exhausted, what little bit of diplomatic effort Indonesia would allow him. South Africa was disrespected and spit on, not because they’re cowards or some perceived slight, but, because they would no respond to Indonesian bullying. They would not submit to the tyranny that was so readily accepted in other parts of the world, like Australia and Argentina. Indonesia attempted to relegate South Africa to the status of a slave state, and when they would not cower, Indonesia ignored them out of hand.

This fight has been a long time coming. This bill has long been overdue. So when I read articles by the likes of salesman and comments by GLaDOS, where in they rebuke South Africa, where they criticize Jizzie and every South African for daring to be free, and they act like this was some sort of surprise, as though they couldn’t have imagined South Africa wanted its sovereign territories, I’m confused and dumb founded.

How is it Indonesia got to where it is today, when so many of its leaders and out spoken citizens are so damn blind?

“every action has a consequence” this is a quote from GLaDOS found in Jizzie McGuire’s article at this url; http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/inspiration-from-history-our-cause-is-as-noble-as-it-is-ancient-789260/1/20

Yes, GLaDOS, every action does have a consequence. We are seeing that simple, grade school physics lesson in clear example here. Too long has Indonesia bullied its way to the top. Those acts of aggression, those acts of piracy, and of predation and those acts that can only be described as rabid or monstrous, will soon have consequences for that nation. Consequences are something Indonesia is now only becoming acquainted with. It’s been too long since someone took them and put them in their place. And now it’s happening.

Consequences. I think it’s time for Indonesia to learn that lesson. I’m glad your statement was so relevant.

“South Africa Must Be Punished…” is the title of salesman’s article found here; http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/south-africa-must-be-punished-later--789357/1/20

From this man’s point of view, a nation that desires the return of its sovereign regions is criminal and to be persecuted at any and every turn. I find this example disgusting, not only because it’s wrong, but because of the double standard implied. While nations outside of PEACE are to be subservient and bow to Indonesia, to limit their interference in Indonesia’s plans, countries who’s resistance wars would benefit PEACE/Indonesia are allowed to do as they please.

If South Africa is guilty of some crime for demanding their regions back, than I would insist people like salesman publicly denounce the resistance wars of Russia, China, and the Ukraine against Romanian and ATLANTIS forces. There is no difference between the examples here. But to men like GLaDOS and salesman don’t think so. They’re convinced that everything in the new world that inconveniences Indonesia is wrong, and everything that works in Indonesia’s favor is right.

It’s this attitude that has sent this chain of events on course. And this attitude among Indonesians and PEACE member nations is not a new thing. South Africa has been under the yoke of Indonesian Imperialism for over six months. Indonesia doesn’t deserve what it has, and it’s time to take what they’ve robbed, stolen, and pillaged away from them.

Let me leave you, readers, with this statement. It smacks of arrogance, but I feel that’s because when I created it, it was in direct response to the arrogance of PEACE.

Death to PEACE. In their homes, and around the world.