A JOB FOR A MEDIA MOGUL! up to 5 Gold Payment

Day 737, 08:16 Published in Romania Romania by NOSHADEZS
Hello WORLD!

I wanted to write something about names we can see in Erepublik, and I didn't want it to just disappear under the rubble in 10 minutes...

So I've chosen not to write it myself, but to let someone with more experience do it. (not for free 🙂 )

I will pay 1 Gold when the article is done and approved , and 1 more if it gets in the "top rated" section, and 3 more gold coins if it gets in the top 3 national.

# The article must be about names in Erepublik (a poll for the most original name will be nice.
& dead citizens or under level 18 are out of discussion )
# the writer must be a media mogul in Erepublik.
# my name "Noshadezs" must be debated. (more or less %, less is acceptable)
# reference to Google searches or other material is allowed. 😁
# the article must include names of personalities (preferably but not mandatory) from all sides of WW3. with direct links to profile pages.
# the article must be longer then 15 lines.

The article can be posted by the writers newspaper as long as it gets in the tops of USA / ROMANIA / POLAND / SPAIN / RUSSIA.
It would be nice if it will have a short description of what the names mean (if they have a meaning)

If we are so interested in pictures, maybe the citizens will also be interested in names, names that we only choose once, when we are born in Erepublik, and cannot change them.

Payment can be reconsidered if the work is above expectations.

( If you search my name over the internet you won't find anyone else with it 🙂 )
Applied for this job so far:

Crazy Man

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqKEPqjuJkw /// Link-ing not working.