A Interview with sinister rebirth

Day 603, 10:09 Published in United Kingdom Austria by Balkan Beast

Zdravo Everyone! Today is quite a great day! no reports on me or anything 😁, sun is out, birds are chirping, & the smurf village is doing well.

The Following is a interview with Sinister Rebirth, A member of the Desmonesire

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>Me:What does Desmonesire mean? Alot of people have been wondering.

>Sinister:Well. Desmonpesire means "Electronic God Destroyer" in Latin. It was made because we wanted something that really described our group in one word. It was really Killa jezuz who came up with the name i just approved it.

>Me:What are the Goals of the Desmonpesire?

>Me:What are it's branches?

>Sinister:The Goals we have aren't going to be shared publicly yet. I can tell you that we plan on taking action soon and we are looking for a home country to house our military.
The two branches we have are the Order (Politics) and the lions (Military) Military strategy. We are currently have more positions open in the Lions.

>Me:What lucky countries are candidates to be "the home country"?

>Sinister:Well we have been looking at India, Japan, Israel, latvia and NK the most. The rest of the countries i can't disclose publicly. For the most part we are looking for small developing countries that we can help out military and economy wise.
>Me:Is the Desmonpesire going to develop into a Global Scale?

>Me:Will it try to form a eNew World Order?

>Me:Who are It's Enemies?

>Sinister:Global scale? I wouldn't say that. We want all countries to have their own seperate power. We are about freedom and anti-oppression but we also don't like to see trolls.
We will not try to take over the eWorld. That would be ridiculous and against what we believe.
Our enemies... We really only have one "enemy" and that would be Dio Brando. He created a legion of trolls and flamers. I would like to say thank you to Zammuel for helping me against Dio :3

>Me:What is the Desmonpesire's Position on the So called World War?

>Me:What does it think of Peace?

>Me:What does it think of the eUSA Goverment?

>Sinister:Well we don't have any Opinion. We fight for whatever we see as a fit cause not alliances like "PEACE" or the old "ATLANTIS" Right now we are upset at the Japanese government and angry at the Indo for going in to attack the US for no reason. We also dislike France Invading Canada. We will probably have our men go in and help them. We will help any country that is in need.
That's all i can disclose publicly on the matter.

>Me:there is a new Smurfeology running about, called smurfism what do you think of it?

>Sinister:I think that the smurfs are one of our most Valuable members. They have no eGod and they have good morals. I personally hope to become a smurf one day.
>Me:How does it feel to be a leader in the Desmonpesire?

>Me:What is your Relationship with Killa, & how did you meet?

>Me:How did you Come up with The Desmonpesire?

>Sinister:Well i don't think of myself as a leader, i think of myself as the voice of our members. Our members as a whole is really the true leader.
Well my original thoughts for the group (which didn't have a name) was it would be about four people that would go to India and convince them to Invade Pakistan. Killa was the first person to approach me on the issue and he made me seriously re think my ideas and he was the one that really organized everything. I guess you can say he is the Brains behind the group. I may have founded the long dead "crusade" but he is the one that founded Desmonpesire.

>Me: Is there anything else you would like to say to the people?

>Sinister:I would like to say that anyone is welcome to be a member of D. All they must do is accept Freedom!
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There you have it people, Some information on the D., a little knowledge of how they function, & 1 of their leaders. If you support this group contact their Org at: http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/1640531

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