A Great New Feature: Erepublik Suggest

Day 627, 14:46 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson

A good friend of mine, Big Brother, has been working hard on a new project. He's been working on Erepublik Suggest. He wrote about it here: [url] http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/introducing-erepublik-suggest-887766/1/20[/url]

Erepublik suggest is, at it's very core, Digg meets Erepublik meets social networking. The idea is to place suggestions, with a short 500 character description, on the site. At that point, other users can vote your suggestions up -- just like an Erepublik article or a Digg article. Below the suggestion is room for people to comment. The entire theme is mimicked off of Erepublik, down to the "vote" buttons and the "shout" boxes. The entire process is authenticated via Erepublik API. You will be asked to login before voting. If you look at your URL bar, you'll notice Erepublik (api.erepublik.com) is asking you. This is a secure server to authenticate your identity. The entire idea behind this is so we can get legitimate results and one person can't spam their own idea up to infinite votes. For the record, I have tried it myself and can confirm that yes, it is secure.

Word on the street is the Erepublik Admin Team is paying very close attention to Erepublik Suggest. This may be your chance to get word out to the admins. No more petitions on the official forums and no more contact forms sent in. You can now have a direct line of contact to the admins -- if your idea is good enough and enough people like it.

http://www.erepublik.ws/suggest... check it out today.

Editorial note: Tradition Pictures have been indefinitely suspended. Sorry