Day 661, 06:43 Published in USA USA by Turd Fergusen

Alright. eMerica. It was a bad day yesterday... Disorder within the rankes of our noobs can easily be blamed and more than 100,000 damage was wasted in battle against Colombia. COLOMBIA?! wtf. With that damage we could have won Illinois, CT, and NJ. Anyway, the government needs a more effective way of distributing the correct orders to noobies and two clickers. Two clickers only two click, they aren't on long enough to browse through the news for orders. Noobs may not know about media and shouting or orders and often just click the first battle they see. My solution to this is mass ads of battle orders. On the day of an important battle, the government should invest in advertisement of battle orders. As all newspaper writers know, erepublik ads are a very effective method of getting people to notice your articles. Why can't this work for battle orders? The noobs and two clickers can't help but notice several large icons plastered all over the screen saying FIGHT IN WHERE EVER. Especially if they are brightly colored. You know how noobs like bright colors. lol Well this is just my thought eUS. Tell me what you think.