A Glimpse into the Complex Minds of PHOENIX and How They Got the Name..

Day 747, 08:18 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator

The Intellectuals at PHOENIX spent many hours thinking of a name...

Relying on their intelligence wasn't a option they found out...

So next they decided to consult the bookcase...

"We found it!" they exclaimed pulling out Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix "lets steal the name of this book!"

To make it less conspicuous, they got rid of Harry potter off the name of their alliance and decided to be called the Order of the Phoenix.

They all had a group hug, oiled and semi naked of course, to celebrate their discovery and hoped that Harry Potter wouldn't find out...

Beware PHOENIX, Harry Potter is out to get you, and he's angry!

Thank you for reading,

Niall H
Founder and Party President of Saoirse
Writer of "A different point"
Cleric of ~hyuu~
Ambassador to eFinland and eMexico