A few suggestions to Internationalist comrades

Day 654, 22:01 Published in Italy Ukraine by Describer

Only together and only forward, to the victory of communism!

1. Stick to your RL location. Wandering around the globe, trying to cooperate in foreign lands will only make you an image of TO group, not willing to adapt to local realities. In case if you really want to change your country, you'd better to start learning its RL language, otherwise all "xenophobic" threats from locals will be justified.

2. Prepare to deal with a lot of RL propaganda and brainwashing, dont panic because of it. Really, a very few RL countries have positive attitude towards communists. So you must be ready to face a lot of aggressive comments, this should not discourage you. Remember- any reformist steps like renaming party, trying to take moderate approach to things, trying to "bribe" the community by making charity - nothing of this will change the attitude towards you. People who hate you will just use you to gain something, but they will still stalk you and betray on first available opportunity. Therefore - we should gather supporters, not bother about haters.

3. True Marxist is tolerant and has no nationality. So if someone in your party makes any discrimination shouts, articles or proposals, you should talk with him about it. And if such things are his core beliefs then you should consider if keeping him in friends is worthwhile.

4. Our main and only military objectives are Revolutions and resistance wars. We must oppose any Imperialist war, even if it's initiated by our own country.

5. We should strive to create Parties in all e-countries or support existing ones. Soon we will have a welcoming webpage and blog, where we can exchange opinions about existing parties and their leadership, this way we will hasten the baby-booms and know who is our true ally. Also, dont forget about two existing Internationale forums.

6. Try to write as much as possible, and change the locations of your newspaper from time to time when your article is not related to situation in your e-country.. This way we'll gather much more friends.

Cheers, and Viva de la Revolucion!