A Case of the Mondays

Day 888, 21:52 Published in USA USA by Pragmat

Hey there everybody!

So....the elections Sunday did not necessarily go as we had hoped here at the Green Party, but we are resilient. I would like to thank Kyle Galli and dustinmp9 for the hard work they put into their campaigns, though we couldn't get them into Congress it was a valiant effort and we will try again in the future.

Based on some of the articles that have been released recently it would appear that Max Mcfarland 2 may not have the best interests of the eUS at heart. This is important to note as he has amassed a large following and has access to a large amount of resources.

America, someone needs to step up and challenge MM2, he cannot run without a serious challenger. I have seen that the S.E.E.S put up Gaius Julius and I can only hope that is a 'real' campaign by the former POTUS and CJCS.

The country has grown complacent, we have let ourselves go and it is time to turn things around. We need to find our true bearing and blaze a new path towards the America that can be, the America that should be and the America that I believe we still have the potential to be.

If you agree with this statement, I urge you to do something about it. I urge you to step up, speak out and help to put our country back on the right track.

Don't let corruption rule without competition, actions speak louder and clearer than words and the actions we have seen recently from MM2 and others make it clear that they are not the right people to be in power.

Thank you and God bless!

Daniel Dodge