A case for American membership in EDEN

Day 894, 23:18 Published in USA Hungary by Dante Alagherii

Let's state some facts.

Max posted the log of the Phx & Poland/Spain meeting a couple of days before Woxan assumed office.

That log showed a legitimate threat to USA.

Woxan came into office riding high the public opinion waves of leaving EDEN and building the brolliance.

Woxan and Max engaged Phx diplomatically and did not pursue an exclusive pro-EDEN policy.

USA and EDEN could not come to an agreement regarding mutual war plans against Phoenix.

USA was making deals with Phoenix to stay safe in the new multi-polar way of seeing the world.

This lead to the Polish declaration of war against Mexico, where we had no idea what was going on.

Feherlofia Koppany says Romanians tricked them and caused the loss of Hello Kitty.

Hello Kitty was an EDEN operation. It wasn't made known to USA until it started, and USA dmg in that battle did not figure into the final result.

When Croatia invaded Hungary, that polarized the world. 15 vs 15 MPPs, and USA was back in the EDEN camp.

In V2 Hello Kitty and LionKing wont matter that much becuz iron wont be that important. That being said, it was key to remove Hungary from Asia because they are now back in their original regions, and far away from future HI regions. Woxan has stated that an American strike on Serbia will follow shortly, and that is good news. Once Serbia is back in Europe, they will be nerfed. This will make Phoenix desperate to find new HI regions for Hungary and Serbia, and will further strengthen USA/EDEN relations when they start sabre-rattling again.

In the last 2 weeks, EDEN and Phoenix spent most of their gold reserves, while USA has managed to keep its funds relatively untouched. EDEN and Phoenix will be relatively quiet now until V2, so they can build up their gold reserves and see the new map of world resources and plan accordingly.

It is great to see Gaius and HR are exclusively pro-EDEN, and agree that the current state of the brolliance is just fine and it wont be expanded so that we dont run into conflicts with other nations.

In retrospect, the policy of keeping out of EDEN has managed to save a lot of gold for USA, but it also made us less safe. If EDEN weren't our friends, that doesn't mean that Phoenix would be our friends. Phoenix hates USA for many reasons, and if our ties with EDEN were loosened it would result in North American invasion by all sorts of nations. USA and Canada have a lot of resources that will look very attractive come V2.

Neither of the top candidates advocated a return to EDEN. This EDEN + USA thing has worked out for us in the last little while, but I am not certain that it would do so in the future. European nations are the most powerful, but from what I can see of V2, Europe will be resource deficient. They will pursue wars of conquest so they can obtain hi resource regions on other continents.
They will expect American help in their wars.

USA is not in EDEN anymore. It still remains EDEN-aligned though.

What this means is that USA now has to take shit from EDEN, but also from Phoenix, and it is still not safe.

At least before, USA was taking shit from EDEN, and it was safe.

This EDEN + USA alignment is all nice and good, but if you aren't allies on paper what does that really mean?

I think USA is safe in the short term because EDEN and Phx are out of gold at the moment.

But USA is not safe until it is in a firm alliance structure.

After Serbia is ousted from Asia, this will mean that USA is the only country in the world to have colonies in the world.
These colonies were obtained with help from EDEN.

I think that in V2 there will be enough resources in North America for both USA and Canada to have the full set of resources (5 out of 5.) Karnataka will lose in value and that's fine.

I think there are a lot of challenges ahead with V2, and I think USA needs better dialogue with EDEN.
Maybe USA left EDEN too recently to go back, and I do think we are safe for another month. But by that time both EDEN and Phoenix will get their act together and have their war chests replenished.

The current status quo of being a part of EDEN but not really is not sustainable in the long-term.
In the next month we must create a great working relationship with EDEN where Americans are working with EDEN at the highest level and USA is trusted with EDEN secrets.

We cant let this next presidency go by without fixing our relationship with EDEN in a major way. I am talking about a formal relationship with EDEN. That way we are under the safety net that encompasses half the world, and we can shit on each other back and forth.

V2 will most likely arrive sometime around the end of this next presidency, and we need strong relations with our allies to combat the challenges of V2 together.

We are only as strong as our allies. We need to know who our enemies are, and who are friends are, and act in such a way in diplomatic and strategic matters.

Half the world is our friend, and half the world is our enemy. No negotiations with the enemies of our enemies. Thus, no more discussions with Phoenix diplomatically about anything.

The future is bright, and we need to seize the opportunity here.

We weren't happy not being #1 in EDEN before. And we won't be #1 in EDEN if we go back. There are more powerful nations in EDEN than us, and with better ties to each other, which makes them have even more of a voice when it comes to deciding mutual alliance affairs.

So even though USA isn't in EDEN formally, EDEN HQ still decides where USA dmg will go, and threatens to RW Karnataka if we dont obey. So I really don't understand this. It is a weird situation.

What I am hoping for is that the next President manages to form some sort of North American EDEN HQ.

We also assume that EDEN still loves us. Some countries do, but they are loyal to EDEN #1, because EDEN ensures their standing in the world. Nobody from EDEN will move a finger for us if EDEN decided that USA was their enemy. And neither would Phoenix. All they would see is juicy North America protected by one strong nation and one weak nation, that have a ton of regions between them.

What I hear from a lot of EDEN citizens is "f u USA, you arent a part of EDEN." Also, "we dont want you back in EDEN."

If we expect from EDEN leaders to touch us in some special way, this will turn out to be a big mistake. We must actively seek to have relations with these countries at the highest level and open dialogues of communication.

No more Pizza The Hut diplomacy. USA needs people that will be trusted with the secrets of Poland and other allies.

So, the reality of the situation is that USA is not in EDEN by a vote of Congress. The military however co-ordinates with EDEN, because this keeps America safe.

The next President must make foreign policy a priority. We have a golden opportunity here. If the President after this one does not have the safety net of EDEN, who knows what will happen with USA? In V2 the combat looks much different, and the dmg output might look different as well. Maybe this will prove even more of an incentive for other countries to have America as the enemy, and maybe EDEN countries wont want to have USA as a friend.

Right now Poland, Spain and the rest of the EDEN brass wasn't ready to invade USA. But in a couple of months who knows? We aren't their allies on paper, and their attitudes toward us could change. EDEN and Phoenix are both Euro-centric alliances that need resources on other continents, and we aren't safe until we're under the net of exactly 1/2 of that bi-polar world. An alliance with Phoenix would tear the country apart, even if we managed to form a working relationship with them. Thus they are not a legitimate option.

So, I propose that we become members of EDEN in name. We'll say we're EDEN North America. We'll send them some funds, they'll continue to direct American dmg. When there is a big plan underway we'll co-ordinate at the highest level and keep it secret. This way we'll all be ruling the world and USA will be the safest country in the world, with no major threats on its borders.


Let's exploit this fact, since proper appropriation (thru communication in a formal relationship) of this DMG = victory.

Remember, this is an opportunity that is at hand at this moment. In the future, things will be different. Let's take the bull by the horns here and direct world events to our satisfaction.