A Brighter Hope

Day 1,218, 18:43 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

The last few weeks have seen a great jump in activity in eJapan. It has become lively again and I have been glad to see it. For two months now, I have more or less watched eJapan from the sidelines. Now I am ready to again take an active part in politics. I am running for the Imperial Diet in Kyushu, as a candidate of the United Lolies of Japan.

In the past, I have been one of the more active members of a mostly inactive Diet. With the significant increase in activity, and my own limited time to play, I will probably no longer be one of the top ten most active. My hope, though, is that I could provide a voice of reason in the often contentious debates. When politics sometimes becomes scornful or divisive, I have done my best to defend the ideals and principles that have made eJapan one of the most unique nations in eRepublik. With our Imperial Constitution, our Righteous Nation Philosophy, and our thriving community, we set the bar high for our leadership.

Just this month, our PANAM alliance has become Terra, a truly global alliance. I continue to hope that by treating our Constitution as more than just a bunch of empty words, we may set a high example for our allies. The Righteous Nation philosophy has sometimes seemed unrealistic, and although I have always thought that it is better to fight for justice than to act in the national interest, eJapan needs both kinds. If we are true to our ideals, however, we can create a world brighter than might have existed without our dreams. That is my hope.