A Brand New Day

Day 1,041, 07:55 Published in South Africa South Africa by Crimson Boma

Congratulations to all of the UDA candidates who were elected into congress; I'm incredibly proud to be one of them.

Our foot is now in the door, but the work of regaining our nation is far from over. We now need to step up our efforts - we can be sure the enemy will do the same.

The UDA needs to grow. We need new citizens who will be faithful to South Africa.

We're fortunate, in some ways. Having an established foe and needing to fight them on a daily basis leaves little time for the infighting and deception other countries suffer. Our unity and work as a team can be a beacon for solid players tired of the bickering and plotting between the citizens of their own. One of my favorite things about South Africa has been that we play as a team - now it's time to make our team larger.

I invite our citizens to be in touch the their true congressmen, their UDA representatives. In addition, I invite friends from other countries who are tired of self-aggrandizement and deception to consider coming to South Africa and working with our unified community in our efforts to remove dishonest, dishonorable players from our shores.

A new day is dawning - let's enjoy it's glow.

Unity = Freedom! Viva South Africa!