A baby boom built on blatant lies

Day 723, 02:51 Published in Indonesia Malaysia by Nagyzee

Hello everyone!

I'd like to wish a pleasant e-life and much fun in this game to all new Indonesian players in the name of eMalaysia. Someday maybe you might have a government that respects you enough to be honest with you. Currently you do not. If you are new to the game chances are that you joined after reading the same campaign post either on kaskus.us or indogamers. You can check it HERE.

Let me quote you some "interesting" parts of it:

"At this moment, eMalaysia and her allies in SOL and EDEN began threatening Nusantara"

Fact: eMalaysia is not a part or ally of EDEN while Sol (Sol, not an acronym 😛) is a purely defensive regional alliance of peaceful nations. eMalaysia is a neutral nation that is proud of her values. We never ever threatened any of our neighbours, and we regarded all of them as friends.

But this is the less hurtful lie, because there is better below. At the list of Malaysia's allies the campaign post claims:

"eThailand (forced alliance, not made willingly)"

And then goes on like this:

"eMalaysia is now actively preparing the army and is determined to threaten our country. They even extended their colonies to our ally Thailand."

President Wonder Forward's latest article also claims that Indonesia is currently liberating Thailand from the cruel oppression of Malaysia.

I understand that you need propaganda to get new players interested in the game. I also understand that Malaysia is the best target because of RL issues. I wouldn't even mind that much that you are inventing an imaginary Malaysian threat even though it's not nice. You need imaginary threats if for your great displeasure your neighbours are peaceful folks. It's a real shame, isn't it?😃 But I take great offence at how you are using Thailand's case against us.

Do the leaders of eIndonesia have no honour and no shame?

eMalaysia entered into a union with eThailand after PEACE couldn't protect their member state against a Romanian political takeover. We saved eThailand (when PEACE couldn't) and lived together peacefully for several months. And when in October the eThai leaders requested that they'd like to secede and resurrect eThailand we have thrown our full support behind them. They wanted to start over in one single region to minimize the risks of yet another political takeover and to avoid the problems of very low population for several regions. It costed eMalaysia about 300 gold to meet their request and defeat the other 4 resistance wars started by a rogue user. 300 gold is a fortune for us. And after eThailand successfully re-emerged in Central Thailand we sold them our first q5 hospital for a mere 120 golds.

Everybody older than a few days in this game knows that through the last few months eThailand and eMalaysia have grown to be like the closest friends or brothers and that we wish only the best for each other. eThailand is your ally as well but it seems that doesn't stop you from using them for your dirty propaganda war.😒

Oh, and have fun conquering those regions of eThailand we currently hold at their request. It shows true character to attack the regions of an ally.

Best regards,