7th Cavalry

Day 1,544, 03:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jack Jockson

7th Cavalry military unit was founded in November 2011. In the first two months of it's existence this random bunch of soldiers has been engaged in Irish war conquering and retreating Mayo, Wexford and Shannon endlessly. This year saw us surrounded in British isles, pushed back down the Yorshire line of defense, encircled from three sides and defeated. Today, 7th Cavalry is the only military unit part of the UK high command, that officially puts up the resistance wars. We are never surrender.

Why join us? There's almost no benefit in being part of military, except for a way to bonuses. 7th Cavalry has a way to find cheap bazooka parts. We have statistical tools to accomplish that.


7th Cavalry is currently UK based. It is part of UK high command network of military units, meaning it coordinates it's actions via Ministry of Defense messages.

We applied for government funds, which we might get later on, when we strengthen up a bit. Our link in Maxihellas

We have no chat channel, we communicate stuff through news feeds found on the home page. But if you like, or if you find it necessary, one chat channel is provided on #kobre_public on Rizon. Some people are hosting this, and the channel has all the usual chat commands. You can access it with

Being part of 7th Cavalry bares no obligations. Lot of spare time for a soldier here. It is not required for a soldier to work in a military company here, instead, our men are encouraged to find a more profitably way to earn gold for their training by working abroad.

Being a small unit, we set up our battle priorities as we like, often serving as a mere diversion unit. Our priorities are British isles, then the rest. Our organizational structure has a rotating position of 2nd commander which means that anyone who'd like to try this will get his turn.


We'll be going through some changes in the following weeks, as the commander Jockson is seeking for a way towards his NE training bonus and looking for a way to launch a q5 tank production, meaning we'll have to move our industry behind the Ural mountains or something. That will lower our daily travel expenses that the soldiers are beginning to complain about, it will increase our daily kills and diversify the ground we operate on. Our battle priorities will stay the same, except we will have to give up the resistance wars for a time being.

So before our headquarters flee UK, which would of course only be temporary, I would like to invite anyone that is interested, to join our unit.

Join here

commander Jack Jockson