7 easy steps to start a dictatorship

Day 793, 12:27 Published in Colombia New Zealand by krzych32

Article based on RL article: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2007/apr/24/usa.comment

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
This step is easy, if you keep telling a group of people that something is after them or their country, considering that most people can't really think for themselves, they will start to believe it, even if it is ridiculous.

2. Develop a thug caste
In erepublik terms, you need to have a large group of people that will support you at what ever you are doing. Most likely by spamming media with their voices of support and making the other side look as small as possible.

3.Harass citizens' groups
This step is very important, after creating a terrifying threat, and having a majority of people agreeing with you, you can easly take oway EQUAL RIGHTS that a minority has. In erepublik minority can be anythig from a social cast to a party.

4.Target key individuals
Not hard to understand that I think. You just need to find the MAIN bad guy. And the mob will do the rest.

5. Controll the press
Have more articles that support your stance then the ones that are against it. It really ties down to the first one.

6. Dissent equals treason
(make your enemy look like a spy or a traitor for this who don't unredstand)

Here I will dirrectly quote an article because i think they got it just right.

"Cast dissent as "treason" and criticism as "espionage'. Every closing society does this, just as it elaborates laws that increasingly criminalise certain kinds of speech and expand the definition of "SPY" and "TRAITOR". "

7. Suspend the rule of law
Just have most of the congress, and if you don't then don't let the other sides work together, if you do that you can pass (on not pass) any law with no problem.

Just remember one thing, the situation is not always how it seems. the basic theme in every dicatorship in erepublik or in RL Germany, Italy, China Russia, is that people believed THEY WERE FIGHTING THE BAD GUY.