
Day 979, 14:10 Published in USA USA by Fionia

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In this article
Things Gone Wrong, Things Gone Right
Your Country Needs You
Some Other Business

Things Gone Wrong, Things Gone Right

This month in the White House has been, in a word, challenging. With the transition to v2 at the beginning, and more recently, a war coming onto our shores, this administration has faced down many problems. In some cases, we’ve accomplished things and done well. In other cases, we’ve made the wrong decisions and severely messed things up.

The Bad

As our President mentioned in his article, one of our biggest mistakes was not attacking FER before Russia attacked California. His reasons for not doing so are given in his article and do not to be repeated here. Needless to say, though, the mistake cost us some territory, including our most populous state.

Another mistake, one that was primarily my fault, was signing a peace proposal with Ireland instead of keeping the war open to allow for future land swaps. When I decided to actually go ahead with it, I had in mind that Ireland was being crippled economically by having this open war. I overlooked the strategic side. Although I tried to fix the problem later, it didn’t work. So I would like to apologize to the American people for failing to put our strategic interests ahead of helping a country that has been very helpful to us.

The Good

Some of the big things we've accomplished this term are pretty obvious and hard to miss. Things like Poland agreeing to form a firewall across Nevada, Idaho, Montana, and Arizona, as well as the re-conquering of California, can easily be seen on a map. We've been conducting myriad negotiation sessions with our allies--- not just Poland--- on how best to cooperate to ensure the success and safety of the eUS and EDEN. In spite of mistakes that contributed to Croatia's demise, we have retained alliances with important nations like Spain and Canada, among others, which continue to ensure the protection of our homeland. Poland beating Russia back in California, and our victory in the second battle of Alaska, are visible examples of these alliances, and portray just how powerful and kickass our allies can be.

Additionally, we have set up a system of coordinated civilian mass attacks, organized and led via both IRC and in-game chat rooms. This will allow us to reach as many newer eUS citizens as is possible and maximize their effectiveness in battle by arranging them to accomplish specific battlefield goals. These goals can be anything from holding a strategic chokepoint to capturing a certain number of tiles in an area of the map, and will be used to support the more pinpoint attacks of the branches of the eUS military.

The New

We have also been looking into increasing retention rates (a hugely important area, with the recent release of V2) by providing more and more opportunities for newer eUS citizens to get involved and work in the government.

Two large employers providing the room for this plan to take root are the eUS Bureau of Ambassadors and the eUS Office of Financial Intelligence.
The BoA is, and has been for a while now, one of the largest government employers of new citizens. It doesn't compare to the military, of course, but there is so much room for growth, with the possibility of having an eUS ambassador to every major country in the game. The BoA also provides opportunities to players more interested in the diplomatic aspect of eRep. If you’re interested in working for the BoA, please do not hesitate to apply!!
The Office of Financial Intelligence is designed to track where the governments of foreign countries store all their money, how much money they have, and when the tend to spend it. Clearly, there is potential for some valuable intel here, but the OoFI also opens up entry-level jobs in yet another field of eRep, which provides opportunities for players interested in the financial side of the game to get involved in government work.

A third department we've created is the Office of Propaganda; the work of this department may have been seen by those who make it a habit to watch the media in foreign countries. This team has already pumped out several articles aimed at furthering eUS goals abroad.

Your Country Needs You

A country is more than just a President. Each citizen can help the country succeed or fail. What can you do to help us succeed? Here’s some suggestions:

1) Use your fights wisely! With the new military module, coordination is the key word. If you are working with a group of people, instead of trying to make it on the battlefield on your own, there is no doubt that your fights will be more efficient. I strongly recommend that all citizens join the military or a militia group. However, if that is not something you would like to do, you can choose to participate in coordinated civilian mass attacks, as mentioned above.
No matter which option you choose, subscribe to and vote the DoD orders daily to help ensure that our civilians know what our priorities are.

2) Use your votes wisely! A country is nothing without its allies. Using your fights wisely, as mentioned in point 1, is an important part. Unfortunately, with the world the way it is right now, our allies need political help, too. Subscribe to this newspaper to receive updates on which allies could use much-needed votes to fight Political Takeovers from our enemies. This newspaper will also provide you with all the information needed in terms of who to contact.

3) Government Jobs. If you would like to apply to work for the BoA, OoFI, or any other government program, fill out this form, and be sure to mention what you’re interested in!

Those looking for updates on the Executive Branch, you can skip the rest of this.

Some Other Business

Yes, although I am Vice President, I also am involved in the USWP. Until yesterday, I was the USWP Chief of Staff. However, due to Jude Connors stepping down, I am now the acting Party President of the USWP. Look for a more detailed article from the USWPost later today.

That's all for today, guys. Thanks for reading, voting, and subscribing.

Signing off,