5th Presidential Briefing - Closing Training War

Day 1,503, 12:46 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by mortalbeta

Kia Ora My Fellow eKiwis

Happy New Year to all of you!

As many of you may have seen over the past week the Training War between us and Chile hasn't been going as well as it should have. This is mostly due to Chile's allies fighting hard when we were defending. We've had to resistance war 2 regions back first Otago a few days ago and then Wellington today. After a hard fought battle we managed to secure Otago as well, so will be attacking tomorrow.

By mutual agreement both nations have decided to close the Training War. A No Natural Enemy has been proposed by both nations:

New Zealand No Natural Enemy

Chile No Natural Enemy

All Kiwi congressman are to vote YES on the No Natural Enemy law. Once this is through the first voting of peace will occur, followed by a second which will close our war with Chile completely.

I will be attacking Zona Austral at 03:00 erep time tomorrow, anyone who hasn't completed their Natural Enemy missions this is your last chance tomorrow.

I ask all eKiwis that have completed that mission not to fight there. Even though Chile's allies have acted badly in this training war, we will follow the rules and only fight to complete missions.