40,000 eUSD Giveaway!

Day 1,549, 02:46 Published in USA USA by Saphire109

40,000 e-USD will be given away in an effort to gain 100 members in the POA party.
400 e-USD per person
3 Simple Steps!

1) First you need to subscribe, vote and add me as a friend
2) Join POA here


3) And post you have joined down below.

I will give 400 e-usd each to the first 100 new members.
This offer is only good for the first 100 new members.

The following have already received 400 e-us😛
RsAD, Andy Hewson, Gordy Browning, SantaAndrei, motgbg, DayTraderBiH, rscanderlecht, csibefutam, bummer2000, maddog7911, 77964, Litio Dvorznak, George Connor, Iceblzzrd, Puchelt, Sugawara Michizane, Orpheus De Trouvere, RHako95, iamnero, paladn, Jimmy Mcmillian, AlbanianSoldierno1, Tony Toot, FindXtheXWay

Make an easy and great decision, join POA today!

Cheers and Happy Gaming,