36 Days

Day 1,267, 09:25 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

36 Days ago, The Independent Legion was formed with the intent of taking advantage of the Q5 production levels, and working manager changes to the economic module in order to provide eCanadians with the means to fight and increase our national damage output. Now that we’re over a month in, I’d say the program has been a major success. The Independent Legion currently has 27 members whom work at our supply companies and receive arguable the best supplies anybody can offer daily In these past 36 days, we’ve handed out well over 6000 units of Q5 food, and nearly 2000 Q5 weapons.

Recently I set up a subforum on the EPIC boards specifically to promote discussion about and within the IL, however thus far it hasn’t been used so much. (Mind you it’s only been a few days) Perhaps people are just uncomfortable going to outside game sources, our maybe they just don’t like that it’s set up on the EPIC forums (I have been considering requesting a space like this on the eCan forums however) or maybe it’s because I don’t promote it enough. Well here I am promoting it, we’ll see what happens. 😛

So far we’ve been able to play well with the other Military Units out there. The IL doesn’t provide battle orders, only a supply, so there’s no worries about a conflict there. HOPE members are required to be a member of the in-game MU, and while IL it’s nice when an IL member can see all our nice little announcements from the news feed the only important thing is that they work at one of the supply companies, so we’ve had no conflict with HOPE. The CAF is even more lenient, since in game MU presence isn’t required, nor is working at a CAF company. For members who wish to receive training gold from the CAF however they have to work at a SPP company for 7 days depending on what branch they’re in. I simply combat this conflict by putting IL members who choose to participate in SPP on leave (they receive no supplies from IL) for the week that they’re gone, and thus far things have run very smoothly. As for the Crimson Canucks, since they’re also required to work in the slave pit’s, unless something can be negotiated, I’d say it’s impossible to be a member of both, and I’ve yet to see it happen.

We’ve also been gaining new members at a much slower rate lately, most likely due to our lack of media activity. So here I am, trying to be active in the media on behalf of IL, and again, we’ll see what happens 😉

If you’re interested in signing up for the Independent Legion, you can apply for the in-game Military Unit, and you’ll receive a PM with instructions. If you can’t join in game, you can apply on the forums here with the same result, or simply send me a PM.