Day 1,164, 00:59 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Crazy Ferret Indutries

The SNF is glad to announce the important result of the last congress election.
We reached 18% of the congress at our first election. This proves that eSwitzerland trusts our project and wants the SNF in the top 5. The SNF is a party of active players for active players.
The role of the SNF is fundamental now for the swiss politics, we are the only serious interlocutor of the congress formations.
The SNF before presenting his congressmen wants to thank all of his candidates that were not elected and all the members that work hard day by day to try make this country better.

SNF congressmen

Internal Organization

(for only members actives in the forum)

For all the members here it is the party's official forum: http://forum.ehelvetia.ch/viewforum.php?f=113
register in the forum and do the request to join the group.

If you want to be more active you can ask for a specific office (external relations, recruiter...) by contacting the President.

Vincent Rekdal, SNF President