11/04/09 Interview with Dokomo

Day 715, 23:58 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas
Hello and welcome to the interview, my name is Fae. Before we begin with the questions could you please introduce yourself to the readers.

Hello. I am Dokomo, Secretary of Immigration, ex-Sol Representative, and former Congressman of Japan.

Thank you for that introduction. I will now begin to ask you a series of general questions. As to not favor one candidate over the other in responses I will not be asking any follow up questions to your reposes. Furthermore, I will simply ask the questions already prepared, all you have to do is reply. Since this is the case, I ask that you try to be as clear as possible when answering the questions I have for you today. Thank you.

The first series of questions have to do with you as a player. Let’s begin with our first question:

Why did you decide to run for president?

I wanted to bring Japan a government they could look to for help and answers. I think that the player elected government has an obligation to citizens to provide them with timely information and good representation at home and throughout the world.

What experience do you have in eRepublik and how does this affect your candidacy?

I have been a member of many governments in North Korea and Japan. Over the months I've seen how things can go right and wrong for a country in many ways. It's lead me to believe very strongly in my ideas for Japan.

What quality make you more qualified than the other candidate?

I believe I have a lot of drive to succeed. I am a deep planner and organizer, and that is one of the big responsibilities of the President.

What do you plan to do should you not win?

I will probably lobby for a position in the new government and keep working hard in every way I can for Japan

What was your first political party in the game (if it's out of this nation, which nation was it in), and why did you choose it?

City Party of North Korea. It was formed by a group of my friends.

If HIZUMI, Hitoshi, no1kevin, and Hashimoto were running for president, who would you vote and why?

no1Kevlin, he has an undeniable power to accomplish things I would have imagined impossible.

Sumo or Karate?


Who do you love more: Daddy or Chips?

Chip, esp. with sea salt and vinegar

The question everyone's been meaning to ask... Pie or cake?

Cheesecake, which is not a cake, but a custard pie.

Sushi or Sashimi?

Sushi, I like rice.

Ghost in the Shell TV series or Movie, which is better?

I believe the TV series was more faithful to the spirit of the manga.

If you could compare your presidential campaign/yourself to an anime character, who would you be.

I really don't think I have been replicated in anime form yet. I do not fit any of the archetypes.

Which are more frightening, clowns or spiders?


What country do you live in in real life?


Victory Party at Peter McGoon's or Kita Ikki's new house?

KITA Ikki, because he will be sure to have Asian snack foods.

With that, let’s begin our series of domestic questions

So your first domestic question is: What are your goals if you are elected as president, and how are you planning to achieve them?

I plan on monitoring the economy closely using the same plans that I put forth and passed in Congress last month. I will be establishing a Secretary of Communication and elevating the responsibilities for other branches to put out informative media. I also want to work on a system for contracting government work out to people.

There are currently many checks on the executive branch, but minute ones on the legislative, how do you see a more balanced government emerging?

Frankly, the checks on the Legislative are all in game. The powers of executive and legislative are very well defined. Out of game, I think the checks on legislature will end up being internal and self-policing with an emphasis on more orderly procedures. Enforcing the checks on the legislature will be the difficult part, and will have to be hashed out between the two branches in a case by case basis.

Do you support a judiciary branch of the eJapanese government, more specifically a "Constitutional Court"?

I would rather support the idea of having the Speaker of the Diet provide a quick Judiciary for Constitutional matters.

Do you think the Constitution is currently being applied by citizens in an apt quantity?

I think most citizens are not currently impacted directly by the Constitution, no. Most people are not deeply involved in the forums yet.

If not, how will you improve education of the Government mandates? If so, is the current quality of the document needing any changes or amendments?

The document is very good in its current state and can be amended when necessary. I think any problems with the Constitution rest on having an impartial arbitration between parties.

Do you agree that the president and the ministries should provide citizens with the short reports on what they are doing? (like the ones that Ministry of Internal Affairs, JIS and MoD do)?


Kokawa: Great Emperor, Greatest Emperor, Greaterestist Emperor, Only Emperor, or just plain divine?

Stephen Colbert level of Emperor

Are there any plans to improve nationalism on your agenda?

Japanese citizens should have outlets to express their pride in their nation. If I can help provide them I would be happy to do so.

What is your stance on Reiji Mitsurugi Philosophy?

The one where we kill the foreign devils? Oh you mean the Righteous Nation! Yes, I am an adherent.

The last few Presidents have all campaigned on being present and visible but as soon as the votes were counted they have vanished. If you are elected how will you improve the President-Citizen relationship?

The key to being visible is to write, write, write. Leave comments in every thread you can. Write an article every few days. Talk to your ministers constantly and get all the information from every source possible.

Being here for only a few days, I can see that some of the debates in Japan get really heated. As a president, how will you promote moderation and work towards finding compromises and solutions to problems?

Well, in some cases I do believe in letting the majority rule, but in others Japan does need compromise. The best way to find compromise is to work out what has led people to their positions. In respect to the Kyushu debate, one of the key problems is because some view Citizenship as something that has to be earned, while others view it as a right given freely by Congress. Reconciling those two views is the best way forward.

Do you intend to continue the path of political neutrality eJapans has been undergoing in recent history? If so, how? If not, then what?

I suppose this means following a procedure of not participating in offensive actions while providing a loyal defense of our allies. Yes, I will continue this policy.

What would your options be to improve nations utilized entirely for "wargames" and player XP gain? This includes the Baltic states and other nations who are only kept alive because of misuse.

Well, the PEACE games in the Baltic may be ending soon. But I do know that the aggressor in a war game has the difficult task of being embargoed by all it's friends. Providing a larger share of income to defer their costs in developing their nation would be an ideal way to resolve this.

What should the government do with the houses produced be JIS?

I believe they should be used as prizes for government programs over the next few months.

Should the JIA throw out people who make article's like Ryuunen's?

After careful reading of Ryuunen's article, I do not believe he called for an invasion of Japan at any time. If a soldier in the JIA called for Japan to be invaded by a foreign power or suggests a similar treasonous action, then yes, they should be removed from their position. That said, criticism of the nation and government is acceptable.

What is your position on JIA soldiers' activity in PEACEKeepers? Should they be forced to work at PEACEKeeper companies? Should they be required to get approval for participation in battles from the MoD/President before deployment with PEACEKeeper operations?

I believe that PEACEKeepers that are also enlisted in the JIA should work in JIA companies, while a portion of the JIA production is donated to the PEACEKeepers to help provide for their upkeep. PEACEKeeper soldiers currently have their missions approved by the Japanese government as well as PEACE SC I believe.

Balancing the budget is going to be extremely difficult once the price of MPP's goes up to 100 gold. Specifically, what is your fiscal plan? Please include details like: Who are your economic advisors? How many MPPs do we need? Who would you like to see us sign an MPP with? Which programs will you try to cut funding from to afford your plan?

My economic advisors will be Oligagnon, Huang Chung, and Vorph. We will need anywhere between 2-4 MPP's, preferably with the strongest PEACE nations; Hungary, Indo, Russia. I am not sure we will have to cut funding to pay for 2 MPP's, maybe 3. a 4th might stretch things, but now that military development has been completed we are in a maintenance phase in that regard.

What's your stance on the wargames issue? What would you like to see us participating in?

I helped organize our entry into the Sol Wargames. They have the advantage of being held in a stable part of the world between nations that are not under any current threats. These games should serve us well for some time. Also, our war with Latvia has not closed and thus we will have access to those war games until they conclude.

Can you highlight 3 of the biggest problems Japanese businesses are facing and how are you going to address them?

One big problem is a lack of foreign contact. Japanese companies need to find foreign buyers for their goods and establish long term contracts if possible. Also, Japan should work on developing high quality manufactured goods in addition to our low priced entry level goods. Finally, we need to find some way of obtaining a resource other than grain so that we can have wage parity between sectors.

What can be done about the iron deficiency during your presidency? Can anything be done to help the grain industry, which is suffering from lack of demand?

Our iron supplies will need to be diversified instead of depending solely on Russia. The income tax on Russian iron was raised by 5% recently, which cut profit margins for many companies below break even. Brazil and other PEACE nations need to be looked at as alternate sources. As for the grain industry, it is a very difficult question, considering the ubiquitous nature of grain around the world. I will try and keep it afloat however, as a land worker, and President.

What will be your tax policy? Are you going to tax more, and if so, where will you spend the money? or if you are going to make cuts, what programs will you cut?

Taxes will remain the same. Most of our income will be derived from the money market. Major increases in spending will be from MPP cost. No cuts should be necessary as Japan is making a profit these days.

Now that we have examined your position looking inwards, let’s turn our gaze outwards and discuss international matters:

What are your general goals, and opinions concerning eJapan’s Foreign Policy?

My number one goal is ensuring Japan has secure borders. We need to have excellent and peaceful relations with all of our neighbors. To that end we need to have people talking constantly with the leaders of the nations around us and of the Super Alliance we border.

Who would you vote for in the eUSA election?


What are your foreign policies going to be with the U.S and Indonesia?

We are going to be firm but fair in our refusal to hand over Kyushu to any foreign nation. We will work and hope for an end to war between the US and PEACE but will defend our allies if E/B attacks them.

What do you wish Japan's stance to be during the upcoming/ongoing World War?

Our stance shall remain constant. Unflinching defenders of PEACE

Will you be leaving PEACE? Why or why not?

No. Japan, as a founding member of PEACE, has made a vow to our allies to defend them. We will not dishonor ourselves by abandoning those vows.

What is your DETAILED plan on dealing with diplomacy within PEACE and what do you hope and plan to accomplish from it?

I want Japanese representatives to PEACE to be more active and forceful in their opinions. Japan is a very conservative group, and will rarely be on the winning side of a vote, but I feel that our voice is important. We need to make sure that our representatives have direct access to not only the forums but each other representative. One thing Japan had an advantage in with SOl was that half of the Sol IRC was usually Japanese citizens. If we could get the same concentration of people with PEACE I think we could make a better argument for our positions.

What are your specific plans to improve transparency of relations with PEACE?

I want to petition PEACE to declassify more of their information. The things they discuss are of great importance to the world and need to be spread through the media, either during or after the fact. Having our representatives collect and publish the goings on of PEACE like IA does for Congress is one step in the right direction.

What is your DETAILED plan on dealing with EDEN forces?

If EDEN forces invade Japan we will proceed to call in as much PEACE support as we can get to stop them in the first battle. We will also prepare to spend our own gold tanking and by distributing weapons to the citizenry. Orders will go out in the media and hopefully we will also be able to call in Sol support as well.

What are your stance to the theocrats?

The Theocrats need to open their system up to outsiders. Lowering their tax rates to livable levels is the first step to a real Korean society.

Lastly, the most obvious question that should conclude this interview: Why do you think you are the best candidate for this job, and why should eJapan's citizens trust you with the position?

The citizens should know that I am a dedicated servant of Japan. I have good relations with many people in Japan and the world and a wealth of ideas to help bring about a better future. I am driven to see a good job done in Japan and I stand ready to communicate to the people what we will do to bring them that better future.

Thank you very much for your time. Your answers will be openly published for all Japanese Citizens to read in hopes of helping them decide their future president. I wish you good luck with your campaign and the upcoming election.