1 Hour to Go!

Day 650, 13:15 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

With less than an hour until the battle for California closes, it is about time for all the tanks to rush to the field. Currently the battle is in the middle of the border region, slowly falling. Up until now the battle has been about average citizens doling out there damage. Now in the last few moments, none of that will matter. Now, the only thing of importance is who has more gold.

The side that has the most cash to pay for damage will be the victor, there is no other factor anymore. The battle so far has been to close to make any difference for either side. These enormous bouts of damage will dwarf the average citizen's contribution by far.

Last night F/E forces brought down the entire Indonesian wall, and today the Indonesians brought it completely back up. The last hour will by far be the most exciting, and least predictable, part of this battle. So lets get to it America, shell out your dough to the armored units of the nation, You know that Indo will spend every penny they have to beat us in California. This battle will be the deal breaker. Whoever wins here, will be the one most likely to win this war. If we win, Indo is out of North America, and the only front is Russian until Hungary gets bold. If our enemies win, we go straight back to Florida, and this time they won't sit around waiting for us to make a move.

Fight America, fight now! the day of glory is at hand! Win this battle, Win this War!

Go USA!!!
Death to PEACE!!!