09/03/2009 Interview with Oraizan

Day 653, 21:45 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas
Hello and welcome to the interview, my name is Fae. Before we begin with the questions could you please introduce yourself to the readers.

I'm Oraizan, long time member of the Orange Party, 4 times congresswoman, 3 times cabinet minister (Culture and events, and Mofa).

Thank you for that introduction. I will now begin to ask you a series of general questions. As to not favor one candidate I will not be asking any follow up questions to your reposes. Furthermore, I will simply ask the questions already prepared, all you have to do is reply. Since this is the case, I ask that you try to be as clear as possible when answering the questions I have for you today. Thank you.

The first series of questions have to do with you as a player. Let’s begin with our first question:

Why did you decide to run for president?

I ran last term hoping to shape Japan into the great country it once was, but slipping away from. Lately I feel it is slipping further, and I believe that I can change it.

What experience do you have in eRepublik and how does this affect your candidacy?
For strarters, I have been in Japanese for 4 months, in Japan for just over 6 months. I have been a congresswoman 4 times, and one of the most active members since birth in eJapan. I was Minister of Culture and Events for 3 terms, and Minister of Foreign Affairs for 2 terms. I also have reached out and assisted the military and economic operations during those terms. Lately while not being part of government I have been using my connections and skills to help on a global scale. My biggest accomplishment this term was setting up a forum for a foreign country, and helping fend off the eSK Theocrats (Sadly I was not given much time). I have also (over the 6 months) been running a company. Basically I am your all-around-girl, I have experience with every aspect of eRepublik and I know game mechanics.

What does this say? I have ton's of experience, I know what I am doing. I will be able to watch over my ministers properly and work with them effectively because I can also do what they are doing on the expert level. I have seen a lot globally, learned a lot in Japan, and I will be able to make proper decisions and bring Japan new realistic ideas that are truly effective.

How are you helping your country right now?
Currently I started putting one part of my campaign into order. I have been researching websites and reaching out to some I know personally, and making connections so that I will be able to hopefully advertise eJapan on those websites and bring some people over. Population is a big factor in eRepublik, and while I have only congressional duties this was my main focus to start putting into action so it will be ready for the time when I am elected, this month, next month, or never.

What do you plan to do should you not win?
Continue keeping up my relations with other countries and decide if I want to try again next month. Continue to find outside (asian) websites to advertise eJapan (I have been speaking with admins on a few, to try and get some pull. So far it is working 😁. Other then that, my normal congressional duties.

Do you support the relationship between Reiji and Snayke, including the making of hot man-love?
Of course not! Snayke is my drunken husband, HANDS OFF REIJI.

If you had to choose between chocolate, vanilla, and green tea ice cream, which would you choose?
Green Tea. I am not allowed any type of chocolate or ice cream, so Green Tea would be the best choice if I am going to cheat my doctors haha.

Should Snayke continue to improve diplomatic ties between eChina and eJapan by offering messages with images of cute, scantily clad girls?
Sure. If he hands me any, I will pass them along to people who will actually like them. 😃 (Lol these questions this term are silly)

So your first domestic question is: Who will you put in your cabinet and why?

Sigh, I really don't believe in putting up names on a platform. I will give you only the ones I think most people care for, other then that please do not ask. 🙂

Vice president - Undecided. I have a few people I could put here, and I haven't yet decided on one.

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Mursu. He was one of my favorite Cabinet members with Minamoto, and I think he has done a fine job here. I see no reason to switch the job from him, and I would like to see him continue to shape this section.

Secretary of Foreign Affairs - Walorm. He is somebody I trust who has experience with many people. He will be able to assist Mursu and myself very well if needed, no doubt in that.

Minister of Defence - Kita_Ikki. He has also done a very good job in his position so far, and I would like to see him finish his work and shape up the JIA some more. Though I plan on having him work with the Minister of Economy more closely.

Secretary of Defence - Jafarin. He has been in Japan a long time, and I know he has past experience in this department. I would like to see him assist the MoD and personally see his talents for myself.

Minister of Economy - Akki. There is nobody else in Japan (anymore...) that I trust to do this job as well as him. Although he has had troubles with the current administration, I know that I can work well together with Akki and use his expertise to help Japan grow. That is the most important thing.

Secretary of Economy - Yusuke. I Like Yusuke and I think he has a lot of potential, but I do not believe he is ready to work on his own. I would like to see him learn more from the MoE and assist shaping our country in the process so that one day he will be able to perform as well as the older citizens.

Adviser of wars and events - Anon Bliss. Over the time that I have known him he has shown and interest in current events. I would like to see him become part of discussions between the cabinet pertaining to his expertise and also keep the citizens informed.

These are what I believe the main positions you would be wondering about. I chose to leave a few of the smaller ones out of the picture. If you have any questions you can PM me in-game.

Now let us discuss your role in all of this, the role of the president:
Could you please tell us, in your opinion, what eJapan's top three priorities are and, an outline of how you intend to address those priorities in the coming month?

(I wrote this in my article 😛)

Activity of the president is number one. We have not seen our president in-game very often, and I know I can change that. In the past I wrote articles every 1-3 days for 4 months straight, and I plan to get back to that habit if elected. That way people will be informed every-step of the way of what I am working on with my cabinet. I also plan to start a podcast with our newly implemented Emperor, so that I can hopefully entertain the citizens along the way and bring them something fresh.

Second would be Mentoring. I would like to see more of our citizens learn the game mechanics and be prepared that way we have better discussions in congress. This is one of the main things I plan to implement. Currently the discussion is limited, and I believe that the more we mentor citizens the better outcomes we will have. Long-term this will help Japan greatly if continued to be implemented by other presidents as well.

Third is population. As I stated before, I have already started on working on reaching out to other websites that I believe some people may take an interest in eJapan. Population is important in eRepublik, it determines how strong a country is on the international field.

Can you please define, in your own words, what 'transparency' means in relation to the Imperial Cabinet, and, what steps you would take to ensure that it becomes reality in the coming month?
Transparency to me means being able to trust your citizens, speaking to them often, and working closely with them. The first step is activity, as I have said above. I am always active around the IRC. In the past I have written articles very often. I plan to make myself available as much as possible to the citizens, and make sure that my vice president is too.

As the president, would you consider granting an eJapan journalist exclusive access to cabinet meetings and discussions on the forums, so that citizens may be readily informed in all matters concerning the nation?
Of course. I would love to see the media blossom with high quality information, and the best way is to be available to the journalists and citizens in such a way.

should citizens trust all members of congress to make the best decision for them?
Congress is voted in by all Citizens, so initially when you give that vote you are giving a vote of trust that they will carry your ideals and do well.

What do you think about the Godzilla Party?
There is little to say as of yet. This party is in its early stage of development, but it has accomplished a lot. I would like to see it work with other parties more and be more 'infused' within Japan.

The Orange party?
Personally I have been with the Orange Party from its early stages, and I have been a big part of its development. I think its members are friendly, but they could be more active (They were once the most active in Japan~). I believe that the new Party President will inspire people to join and work-together actively again like before.

The National Alliance Party?
This was the first party I joined in eRepublik, and I stayed in it for about a week before changing. I appreciate the NAP's manifesto, allowing people with different thoughts come together and work for the greater good of Japan.

The Imperial Sun Party
This was the party I ran for president from last term, also a party I have similar ideals with. I appreciate that it is one of the most active parties that are centered on the military. I am sure that Kita_Ikki will continue to run this party with the thoughts of it's members in mind, though I am sad to see Tohru leave it.

The United Lollies party?
This is a party that when I joined was a huge risk. It was constantly being watched because of it being top 5 party that did not have any active leadership, ie. a great party to PTO. Since I have joined it was taken over by TheFallenMage and as he changed the name to United Lollies party, the new party began to grow. I am very glad to have seen it's progress over the months, and I congratulate everybody in the party for their hard work, it is working.

If you had to vote for a presidential candidate other than yourself, who would you pick?
I would probably abstain from voting. I personally don't like the political scene of Japan right now, and I do not want to pick sides from either side as they have both been harsh towards each other over this term and election. If I did not run, I would probably encourage my Party President Walorm to step into the race and run for a better Japan.

Would you have been willing to work in Kyonkyon's cabinet if by chance he/she became president?
Of course! Kyonkyon is not strong in english and is new, he would need a strong Cabinet supporting him to help Japan grow. There would be no reason to turn down a position, and it would be cruel to leave him with an empty position.

What aspect of eJapans government system that you feel is working the best and why?
Foreign Affairs. This was Kokawa's specialty as well as mine, and during his term we worked well to shape Japan into a country known on the international stage. Since then Mursu has done a great job at fine-tuning the Ambassadors and keeping our name out there. It is definitely the most successful, but it also has had the most time to be.

What aspect do you feel needs the most work and why?.
Economy. Our markets could be doing much better then it is, we have the population to get places, we just need to use it. The economy is the basis for everything. The military cannot function without the taxes, the companies cannot function without the taxes being put back into the system. Hopefully with my plan to bring in even more population, I will be able to give the economy a boost and I plan to go over the taxes and such with my cabinet to see if we can help improve the economy without hurting the other aspects of eRepublik.

Past presidencies were plagued with lack of updates and frequent communication with the public. How will your presidency address this issue?
As I said above, I have been one of the most active people in japan since my eBirth. I plan to write articles very often, and have my cabinet and most importantly vice president available. I have never had a problem communicating with the citizens, and it will not start now!

What are your thoughts on countering or working past possible resistance and/or residual ill will from previous/current administration/congress members that may otherwise stymie efforts to move forward?
I do not see why this will be an issue. I trust all elected officials to at least pass over organizations withing 24 hours. If they will be unable to do that, then I will have to contact the admins about it. Many of the plans I want to put into action have little to do with anything that past presidents need to pass down so I will be able to get started and working right away.

If you could only be sure of completing one thing during this presidency what would that one thing be?
Increasing the population. This is something that will benefit eJapan for a long time to come, and it will be the most worthwhile if started soon.

How do you plan to pay for all the projects or plans you are proposing?
None of them cost money, they only cost time. I do however plan to go over the taxes so that I can make what we are spending now affordable and even possibly increase some spending.

Can you please describe, in detail, the current state of the eJapanese economy?
The economy changes everyday, so this is a little tough to answer. One day our market will be over-loaded with items that we need to flush out, and other days we will be dealing with attacks on the markets from foreign countries. The market does not sit still, it never will.

Now let us move onto questions will be concerning the Army:

How much do you think the government should spend on the Army per month?

I think the current budget is fine. With improvements on taxes we should be able to make it affordable or increase it.

How should the Army be funded?
As I said above, I pretty much enjoy the Army as it is. I would like to see funding used more on the soldiers though, and hopefully put together a reserve for emergency as well as stockpile weapons for our soldiers. In the future I would like to see the army have a tank division with its own funding, but for now that is still unforeseeable.

Will you be securing all the ex-eNK regions this term or only finalizing the deal to take the Iron region Hamyong into the Empire to secure our own desperately needed Iron producing region?
I would like to continue my discussions with PEACE that I had last term on the topic. I was initially advised that I would have to wait for a better president from Russia by the presidents advisers before making any serious deal for NK regions. It is definitely a top order on my agenda to have eSK and eNK become independent countries as soon as possible.

Do you support the annexation of Hamyong to give eJapan a medium iron region, assuming Russia and Hungary would be amenable?
If it was affordable and I could not get eNK it's own independence, this would be a second option I would definitely consider and support putting into action.

how do you propose to get more weapons?
As I have said, I plan to work with my cabinet on reworking the taxes so that we have a better income to work with. That way we can increase spending on important sectors.

Do you have a plan to deal with the theocrat threat to our nation and our economy, and if so can you give us an outline?
If they prove to be a threat I plan on rallying Japan against them. I have faith that Japan can work together to support keeping out the theocrats. Though this should not be a problem because they will not receive citizenship. I also plan (As I did after noticing current administration was absent on elections) to rally support for eSK ahead of time to help it keep it from being PTO'd next time. This should not be a problem with my connections and willpower. 🙂

Let's say, for example, that eJapan succumbed to an evil scheme to destabilize the country. If that happened, who or what would you blame?
For starters I don't approve of blaming. If something happens that terrible to the country during my term of presidency, it is nobody's but my own fault as president. I either put somebody in power who hurt the country, or I was unable to solve the problems that I should be able to as president.

What role do you think Japanese culture should play in our nation?
I have always thought from the beginning of my ebirth that people come to Japan for it's culture and hospitality. We are small, we have an interesting culture, we have a lot going for us. Culture is one of the most important aspects of Japan to keep citizens active and enjoying their time here. It should stay just as that, something fun to participate in for citizens.

What is your commitment to Japanese culture, and what is government's role in the maintenance of that culture?
In the past I was the Secretary of Culture and Events, and I appreciate everything that has been put up on culture in Japan thus far. I believe it is the governments duty to support the culture. It is the Presidents job to watch over the position Secretary of Culture and Events and make sure that the main person pushing culture is active and keeping citizens interested.

What are your thoughts about the idea to unite all eKorean and eJapanese regions all into one?
I personally would like to see a merged eKorea Separate from eJapan. I enjoy eKorea, but I would also love to observ the country grow on its own. Together with all their citizens combined they can do it, and become something big. Maybe one day, even bigger then Japan.

Finally we will look at your Foreign Politics.

What are your general goals, and opinions concerning eJapans Foreign Policy?

The number one plan as always is to keep foreign relations positive. I was able to observe and be a main contributor to Japan changing from a country that was barely known internationally, into a country that is known around the globe and respected. I want to grow these relations and make friends with all countries. I hope that past enemies will be able to become present friends, PEACE or not PEACE.

What do you believe is the role of eJapan within PEACE and what is its relationship with the other members of this alliance?
Japan has never had a serious role in PEACE. We have always been a country that contributes little to PEACE operations and discussions, and pretty much just reap the rewards from them. I want to make Japan more active within PEACE. I want to be somebody who contributes a great deal to the alliance, and who has an active president who will really do things within the alliance.

Within Sol?
We are a founding member of this new alliance. Our citizen Akki worked very hard on making this alliance functional with rules, and we will always be an important part. I would like to see us co-operate better then we are between the countries in the alliance, and hopefully we will be bale to assist each other with problems. It is our duty to see the alliance grow, and not turn into a place just for friends to gather.

If and when California and Hawaii fall to the eUSA and the American administration changes hands from Emerick-kun to a new president, what measures will you take?
I will contact the president and do my best to keep in contact with them. I am sure that whoever is elected we can ensure that we continue great relations despite the world war waging through the world. With this, I am sure we will be safe from eUSA. They will need time to recover from the battles, and we will have time to prove to them that we want to be 'friends' so to speak.

The recent eSK elections did not fare so well as expected, as shown by the remerge with eJapan. Many South Korean residents simply blame the lack of numbers. How would you, as president of eJapan, deal with the PTO cycles that eSk encounters as well as possibly increasing activity towards eSK so they can form their own independent nation?
As I said before, I will do my best to rally support ahead of time. I actually already plan on contacting some presidents and people from other countries to send support to eSK, and I will be organizing them myself to assist eSK. I did my best within 3 hours to gain support, but unfortunately 3 hours before an election ends is not enough time. I promise to be prepared for the elections a long time in advance, and hopefully ensure their victory.

Lastly, the most obvious question that should conclude this interview: Why do you think you are the best candidate for this job, and why should eJapan's citizens trust you with the position?
Many concerns have been running through people's heads about all of us candidates. I do believe that out of the 3 I will be the only candidate to be here active and not let anybody down. I have the experience and connections to help Japan get somewhere. I have been working with the government for 5-6 months, learning as much as I can from various countries and our own about how to make a country successful. I know I can be fair and just, allow citizens to be a big part of decisions and my work, and overall be a friendly face who will not disappear from your view during the full term.

Thank you very much for your time. Your answers will be openly published for all Japanese Citizens to read in hopes of helping them decide their future president. I wish you good luck with your campaign and the upcoming election.

Thank you for asking me them 🙂