[YUUVA - PP] Congress

Day 1,983, 03:06 Published in India India by DonMogul

Every Damn Time...

Just about anyway 🙂

Once again I am cursed. Earlier I logged in to perform my PP duties and to finalise the Congress list for this term. I moved some up the list and others that did not contact me or the cabinet down the list.

Clicked Update logged out and then logged back in to make sure the changes had been made (I forgot to make sure). I saw everything was correct and logged out.

I log back in about an hour later and find a couple messages from people that were on the list... There was a problem.... they were on the list no longer.

It seems I attract eRepublik bugs.

How silly of me to expect that something that has been part of the game for so long is working as it should.

You would think someone like me who was here since invite-only beta would know better than that.

*le sigh*