[Wilker4PP] Rise Up Stronger

Day 4,571, 04:03 Published in USA Chile by Wilker Nath
Hello, I’m Johnny Cash.


In the single most predictable move I have made since returning to erep, I am running for PP of WTP. I love this party. It needs some tough love, and maybe a little polish, but if elected, this is nothing I can’t make happen.

I know it’s a bit early to announce, we haven’t even had the CP election yet, but truth be told, I’ve had this run on the back of my mind since even before last PP election. The only reasons I held off until this month were being busy as SecMed, and I didn’t want to get in Taco’s way.

I am not running for personal gain, so I’m sorry to the person who very politely asked me to step down, even before I put out this article. I really am sorry, but I’m at least glad we had a good conversation. I cannot step down on a whim because I did not step up on a whim. There are certain things that NEED to happen with this party, and I do not think any of the others currently on the ballot are the right people to make those things happen.

1: The blacklisting of Ryan Christ and KingTaco from the party needs to be undone in every possible way. I am speaking as someone who would have voted no to the blacklist of Dom on the eUS forums: this move by our current PP was an abuse of power and was done for personal reasons. It does not benefit the party, and it has widened the existing rift between us and the rest of the nation.
And the more challenging item…
2: Our reputation with regards to national immigration laws needs to be fixed. It has been proven that some of the people our congressmen let in were the very same accounts that participated in Ajay’s PTO. It is a matter of national security that background checks happen with every application. If the other parties try to interfere with our elections, we can call them PTOers a million times, but they will not stop until the immigration system contains background checks, and more than 1 party has a say on each applicant. If we put country above party for one fraction of a second, I can’t say I disagree with desire for more secure immigration. This is not a party issue, it is a national issue. There is a legal path for changing IES, and going around that cannot be an option if we want our country to hold any sovereignty at all in our in-game elections.
There are a lot of internationals who would mess with us at a time when our collective vote count as a nation is much lower than it has been in the past. I don’t want to see those people get the CP seat. I don’t think the current IES setup is ideal either, but playing games with illegal entries just makes things so much harder to even do the correct way.

I have experience leading a party, and I think I did a pretty decent job at it if I may say. I am more serious now than I was then, because my party now is facing a more serious problem than my old party was then.

So I’ll get into my pitch. I think the best way for me to do that is to explain the cabinet positions I plan to employ.

IES Liaison

Our party has had its name dragged through the mud in the past and present, and not always without good reason. It is a fact that several people who we put into congress committed IES violations, and our party has largely been the beneficiary of those illegal entries. Some of our congressmen have displayed a large lack of discipline, and we have had a PP who does not apply that discipline where needed - even going so far as to encourage some IES violations and shunning of the eUS forums, where most of congress’s job gets done.

One direction I want to approach this issue from is sending a party rep to work directly with IES.

The Liaison will be tasked with:
-getting a full list of WTP party members who have committed IES violations
-getting a full list of WTP party members whose citizenship was illegally obtained
-interviewing the above named people and gathering information on each, to assist with
-getting a disciplinary recommendation from IES for each of the people listed above, to be determined on a case-by-case basis
-providing transparency between IES and the party throughout the whole process

That’s right, rainy, I’m sending you a squire.

The person in this position will be expected to do whatever needs to be done for this list to be produced. It is also of some import that I have this list before the congressional primaries, as nominating congressmen without addressing this issue opens the entire nation up to foreign PTO.

Note also that I specified a case-by-case basis. I fully expect the findings to be a mixed bag of former-Ajay-PTOers and good people who just caught up in a sidetracking of the legitimate process. I fully expect some of the people on that list to be worthy of keeping on, and I know for a fact at least one person on that list has a history of subverting this nation’s democracy. I fully expect I'll want to ask for a full pardon for at least 1 person.

This liaison position will have a hectic first 1/3 of the term, followed by a (hopefully) relaxing (if you did your job right) second 2/3. Because there’s only 10 days between PP election and Congress election, I may ask this person to start their job before the election is even held. Regardless who wins PP, I’m sure their list will have some very interesting things on it.

Depending on the scope of the investigations to be done, I’m very open to allowing more than one person onto this job.

If you’re interested, please PM me. I would like to start you on this task early. Preference will be given to players who don’t have much political experience.

Minister of Programs

This is a fancy title in recognition of what H U L K has already been doing, running our daily food donations program. Seriously, round of applause for that guy. He’s a powerhouse.

My plan is basically to beg him pretty please take the title and keep doing what he’s doing, and offer whatever help is in my power to keep that program running. Worst case, I will do the shouts myself and fund it with my own money. The food program will continue, and I am open to ideas for other things to start up as well.

Minister of Media

A wise Chief of Staff once told my favorite eUS cabinet in the first PDB thread of the term:
“If we’re doing it, but we’re not writing about it, it didn’t happen.”

The in-game media module is one of the best measures of national activity. It’s also one of the first things that new players see. The Minister of Media will be tasked with keeping mentions of WTP on the front page of the eUS news as often as possible, and keeping WTP educational material on the front page of the “First Steps in eRepublik” tab as often as possible. Simple as that.

If you’re interested, shoot me a PM. Preference to new/inexperienced players, and I may allow more than 1 person in this position.

Minister of Elections

This is an important role, with possibly a bit heavier workload than the other roles, and I’d like someone I already know/trust for it, considering recent events.

This person will be tasked with:
-negotiating 6th party congressmen onto our congress lineup
-organizing congress primaries (preferably using the WTP board on the eUS forums) (I do plan to keep the democratic primary structure in place)
--making sure all the members know where the primaries are and how to vote
-getting out the vote for congress on election day
-making sure new congressmen know what they’re doing
-herding cats congressmen onto the forums, and making sure they all get the right permissions in a timely manner
-organizing the nomination vote for CP elections
--making sure party members know where that vote is and how to vote in it
-getting the vote out on CP election day

I have a shortlist of a few people in mind for this role. I’ll be PMing them privately with the position offer when the time is right.

Minister of Recruitment

Messaging new players is the most important thing any party can do to serve their country. WTP has been leading the country in this for a while, but more recently, that new Secretary of Education under President Bubblar has motivated the other parties to step up their game.

Darn him…

Because of that new competition, WTP has to be just as energetic with this task, if not more, if we want to keep on growing, and hold onto our spot in the rankings.

I encourage multiple people to apply to this position. PM me if interested.

And finally…


This person will be tasked with keeping all the Ministers doing their jobs, and will be responsible for picking up the slack for any absent Ministers until a replacement can be found. Easy, right?

This is a person many of you are familiar with. He has poured enormous amounts of effort into both the party and the country. The one I asked to be my VPP (in my second most predictable move since returning to eRep) is KingTaco.

And with basic introductions out of the way, I hope I’ve earned some of your votes. You will be seeing me in future articles. Thank you for reading.

We The People
Rise Up Stronger
