Day 3,554, 17:42 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Dateline: Monday, August 13, 2017 (Day 3,554)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House


- On Training Wars;
- On the DoCA programs;
- A day in the life of the PotUS;

Hello everyone,

The time has come for the second White House Press Report of the WDIB2’s PotUS cabinet.

The White House press team worked tirelessly the whole week so we can provide you with the most relevant information about the current eUS Government’s agenda. We hope you would find a lot of useful information here, but above all we hope to provide you with a lot of fun, which is what the game is all about, after all.

So without further ado…


A few days ago the eUS officially negotiated a deal with eNew Zealand for conducting a Training War (TW).

You can check the details of the eUS/eNZ Training War deal in our Department of Defense head – Wild Owl’s Article

While the first active battles in the TW started there was some confusion, especially in the ranks of the new players, when they had to follow orders like "Fight against US here". So we wanted to dedicate this section in explaining some basic TW mechanics.

- What is a Training War?

A training war is a type of war in which the outcome of every campaign, held between the participating countries, is agreed upon, in advance, by the two countries. The campaign result is rigged if you like.

- Training War mechanics

An active TW includes constant exchange of preselected regions of the one or of the both participating countries.

The country that leads the TW initiative (in our US/NZ case - the US) always wins the direct battles (the attacks on particular region). The second country (in our US/NZ case - New Zealand) always wins the Resistance wars that were started in the regions occupied by the first country. Again the regions that are to be attacked by the first country and the regions that are to be liberated by the second are predetermined by both countries'officials.

Following that pattern there are always regions for the first country to attack and regions for the second country to liberate. In that way a steady flow of Battle Hero/Campaign Hero, Freedom Fighter, Resistance Hero & True Patriot medals is distributed between the participating countries.

So when you see your MU commander, giving orders to fight for - NZ for example, do not think it is something bad. We are just closing another cycle of the active TW.

In some cases you can see orders like this one:

- Otago - TP
- Wellington - FF

In our case it means, that you can hit for True Patriot medal, FOR THE US, in the Otago Campaign, but if you would prefer to add some kill stacks on your Freedom Fighter medal you can do so in the Wellington campaign, fighting FOR THE NZ the resistance, as the region is going to be liberated.

So if you are not sure about an ongoing US battle make sure you check and follow the commands the PotUS officials give on the Country feed.


The first active DoCA program, of the current cabinet - the American Air Rank Program (AARP) is already working for 5 days now.

Its aim is to help the eUS citizens to increase their Air ranks, by providing them with a daily food supply.

You can get detailed information about the AARP program from the DoCA's AARP announcement article.

Keep and eye on the DoCA's official paper: Daily Affairs. A legendary DoCA program is about to be updated. An announcement about the program will be published this week, providing you with more detailed information on the matter.


WDIB2 barely opened his eyes today. It was getting obvious for him, that he wasn’t going to get a proper sleep this month. After all he was the Commander-in-chief of the eUS, with all its internal and foreign deals, wars, political struggles and everyday player’s complaints.

To make things even worse, his Chief of Staff, Melissa Rose, had figured out a way to deprive him of the little sleep he could afford – she had fitted him with an electric teaser ankle bracelet. Whenever he was forgetting about even some minor state affair she was pushing the enormous red button on her phone resulting in a nasty electric shock running through WDIB2’s body, followed by a brief message on his phone.

Usually, when off duty, Melissa is a chill chick with passion for cooking exquisite Q7 Food, but while working she was as vicious as a sabretooth tiger.

Today, though, WDIB2 didn’t need the Melissa teaser to know it was going to be an exhausting day in the PotUS office. It was the end of his first week and he needed to conduct a thorough check on every department and make a public press report of the cabinet achievements so far.

He got out of the White house for a quick walk.

The White House was a part of the massive eUS Forum complex. It stretched over 10 square miles in the middle of the Capital.

To his right he could see the vast buildings of the eUS congress. He knew he would have to address the Congress, but that was tomorrow’s business. To his left there was his favorite Discord bar. He knew he was probably not going to visit it today.

He walked for a while, until the sun was up and headed back for the White House. He wanted to make his departments visits first. He was not sure where to start, but he knew he was skipping lunch again.

He decided to go fetch his VP for Life Gnilraps and visit the Department of Defense first as the war with Ukraine was escalating again.

Out of nowhere a DoCA intern – chriscoded, appeared carrying a medium sized cardboard box.

- An urgent package for you sir, from Rainy Sunday – said chriscoded.

- Thank you – replied WDIB2, while he was thinking of the worst case scenarios, leading to an urgent package from the press department so early on.

He waited for chriscoded to run for the DoCA department and opened the box. There was something wrapped in paper with a tiny note on top of it. He rea😛

“Everything in the Press department is fine. We are keeping up with the deadlines. There’s a little something in the box from me and Feynmann, to get you through the day. We will be waiting for you in our booth at the Discord bar tonight. Hope you can make it."

WDIB2 removed the paper and saw two enormous U-burgers with U-cries.

- Nice – he thought – one department down and I get to have a proper lunch today. The day seems to be starting off well.

He headed for Gnilraps’office with his burgers, disguised as a Press Department report box.


Gnilrap’s office was on the third floor. His massive wooden door was labeled – Gnilraps – VP for Life.

As WDIB2 approached the door he heard a familiar tune, but he never expected to hear it coming from Gnilraps’office. And the lyrics were quite od😛

He opened the door and saw Gnilraps tuning his acoustic guitar.

- Oh hey WDIB2 – said Gnil – all good?

- Yeah – said WDIB2 – I was wondering if you … what exactly are you doing Gnil?

- Oh, I’m about to record my guitar solo for the eRepublik Idol. Melissa Rose even gave me a day off. Nice huh?

“Lucky bastard” – thought WDIB2

- Yeah it’s great. I was thinking we should both visit Wild Owl and discuss the war with Ukraine, but I guess I should leave you practice and visit the DoD on my own.

- I will be finished today, so you’d have me back tomorrow. All fine? - added Gnilraps.

- Oh, no problem. Have fun. Cya later, Gnil. And good luck on the eliminations.

- Thanks WDIB2. Have a good day.

WDIB2 headed for the Defense Department.


He knocked on Wild Owl’s door and entered. For a split second WDIB2 grabbed his burger box as he was struggling not to fall back. He was facing a fierce looking guy with a face completely covered with twisted tattoos. It took him a few seconds to realize it was a man-sized statue of some tribal warrior.

- Jeez Wild Owl, what’s that? – asked WDIB2

- Hey WDIB2 - replied Wild Owl – it’s a statue of a Maori warrior. It was sent to me by the government of New Zealand, after we signed the Training War contract, between our countries.

- Nice – added WDIB2, still looking suspiciously at the statue. – So your trip to New Zealand went well?

- Yeah, it was a blast – said Wild Owl.

He spent the next hour talking about the US – NZ Training war and later on switching the conversation to the determination reset of the Ukrainian regions.

- Seems like you’ve done well Wild Owl – concluded WDIB2 – I must leave now, got to check the other departments today too. Have a good day and please find this masterpiece (winking at the statue) a proper storage facility.

- No problem, WDIB2. Have a good day.


It was almost lunchtime, so WDIB2 decided to eat his U-burgers. He did so in his office. His couch looked tempting as he had no proper sleep in a whole week, but he knew that Melissa Rose would love to push the red teaser button if she knew he is sleeping in his work hours. Somehow she always knew.

So WDIB2 decided to continue his Department visits and headed for the 1st floor – the Department of Citizen Affairs


It was one of the biggest departments of the eUS Government. Other than the usual administrative offices the DoCA had some massive storage facilities, full of supply packs for the eUS citizens. He spotted Herr Vootsman in the distance, dispatching food packs for the participants in the cabinet’s brand new program – AARP.

He headed for the Administrative part of the department where he wanted to visit Maxwell Hanz and Ilene Dover – the Heads of the Department.

The place looked like a leaflet storage. There were enormous piles of DoCA announcement leaflets everywhere.Max and Ilene looked as they were scratching their heads over some particularly tough DoCA case for days.

- Hey guys - greeted WDIB2. - How are you doing?

- Hey WDIB2 - started Ilene - we are almost done with the details on the updated Meals on Wheels program. Do you want to join in?

- Sure - WDIB2 replied.

So he spent the nex 3 hours working with Ilene and Max on the Meals on Wheels program. It looked promising. He was hoping more and more people would join in.

He said his goodbyes to the DoCA team and headed for the Foreign Affairs Department.


The FA Department was located on the fifth floor.

He approached Yui's office and knocked. After the giggly "yes" that came from inside the office, he opened the door and got inside.

He was startled by the scene that unfolded before him.

Yui was sitting on a chair in the middle of the room while Mazzy Cat was trying to make something with his hair.

- Oh, hey WDIB2 - greeted Mazzy.

- Hey, guys - replied WDIB2 - what are you doing?

- I'm helping Yui, prepare for his speech in the Pacifica weekly meeting tomorrow. This hair needs some proper management.

- Cool - added WDIB2 - are you ready with your FA report guys?

- Yup - said Yui - come on, we will walk you through it.

And he spent 3 more hours discussing the Pacifica affairs in Turkey and the upcoming MPPs this month.

He was exhausted.

- Thank you for the report guys - finished WDIB2 - got to go now.

- Anytime, have a good ... wow look at the time - shouted Mazzy - Yui, come back here. Lets finish off with that hair, already.

- Goodbye guys - said WDIB2 smirking, while he was leaving the room.


He still had to check with the NSC department, lead by Derphoof. He was completely aware of the NSC affairs as he was working there with Derphoof almost every night.

But he decided to go there anyway.

The NSC headquarters were located in the White House basement.

He was going down the stairs when he met Melissa Rose.

- Hey, WDIB2 - greeted Melissa. - You look dreadful. Have you had a good night sleep lately?

- Well, not really, but I will catch up after the month is due. I just finished my check on every department. I'm heading for Derp's office now so we can keep an eye on the ongoing battles tonight.

- You know what - said Melissa - I think you had enough for today. I'm in a good mood and Derp is doing a great job down there so I am giving you the night off. I hear Rainy Sunday & Feynmann are waiting for you in that Discord bar of yours.

- Really! - said WDIB2, unable to hide his satisfaction - that's great. I can use some time off and that bed of mine has been calling for me the whole week. Thank you Mel.

- No problem, WDIB2 - replied Melissa - have fun and rest well. I will expect you to be at your top game tomorrow.

WDIB2 headed for the Discord bar. Suddenly he felt an electric shock through his body.

- Jeesus, Mel. What was that for? - shouted WDIB2

- I just wanted to make sure if it is still working properly - laughed Melissa.

Till the next time you hear from us


Signe😛 The White house media team
Feynmann & Rainy Sunday