[WHPR] The Gotham Times

Day 2,970, 20:38 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Dateline: Thursday, January 7th, 2016. (Day 2,970)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

The Dark Knight has arrived.

Theme music. ^_~

Citizens of Gotham,

Elections day was yesterday and Azazel Romanov managed to become the mayor of Gotham City with an illustrious where he managed to garner a majority of the votes.

Below is a graph illustrating votes as they happened real-time during the day.

Copyright © All rights reserved eRepublik-Deutschland organization, 2015-2016

Today's Press Release will feature 3 segments.


1 - The World Through the Looking Glass
2 - Interview with the President
3 - American Military Today(Short announcement for top 50 tanks)

The World Through the Looking Glass

1 ~ IRAN - TURKEY FIASCO. Turkey, Georgia and Cyprus decided to attack Iran a couple of weeks ago along with massive allied support. Today, Turkey is wiped, Georgia and Cyprus lost convincingly, and the nation of Iran stood its ground in this test.
2 days ago, Ukraine decided it would step in to give Turkey a hand and they declared war on Iran. However, the surprise came out of the bag in the shape of a retaliation by the Bulgarians against Ukraine.
So it was something along the lines of:
Turkey + Georgia + Cyprus vs Iran
Turkey + Georgia vs Iran + Peru
Turkey vs Iran
Turkey + Ukraine vs Iran + Bulgaria[Current situation]
Of course, this doesn't capture the essence of the war, where there was immense allied support on both sides, and simply showing those who went there directly doesn't do justice to the people who fought for both sides.

2 ~ SERBIA-CROATIA. The reigning superpower of the eWorld is always up to something. After the silent NAP between Serbia/Croatia was broken a couple of months ago, where Croatia attacked Serbia along with 6 other nations denying them Congress, Serbia is back on the upper hand today. Many of the countries from that attack are wiped today. In case the reader is unaware, Croatia had some regions in India as a base to conduct operations even before Serbia had wiped them from their cores after breaking of the NAP. Serbia AS'd into India, and 2 days ago Croatia lost their final region in India. After that, Serbia proposed a Natural Enemy law on Thailand, however the vote failed. We shall avoid speculation on what the root cause of the vote failing was.

3 ~ FRANCE-FYROM. Around 2 weeks ago the proud Macedonian nation had decided to Airstrike France. This was a tactically and strategically difficult decision due to reasons such as, FYROM is trying to become an ally of Serbia and Hungary and distance itself from the Anti-Asteria crowd which includes Chile, however France has been an ally of Serbia and Hungary for years, which complicates the situation. However, the French government and citizens gathered millions of currency and spent like no tomorrow to remove FYROM. At first there were doubts that France might reach an agreement with FYROM and let them stay, jeopardizing some of the other nations nearby, but the French didn't surrender.

Speaking of FYROM, multiple time Macedonian MoFA, ex-President and an influential player was seen plotting against our nation, where he received some support from the Indonesian dictator as well:

Another player can be seen shouting here:

As you can see from one of your countrymen's response, we wish them luck. They'll need it more than any number of Airstrikes they can conduct.

This is not a war. Well maybe. According to sources, this certain player was a clone of an unknown Portuguese player who ran it for getting the kick out of it. Turns out, Portuguese people decided to have some fun, and this is how the elections went:

But the best part, however, you have to see for yourself. You may go to Soldado178's profile to see it.

Interview with the President of the eUnited States of America.

El Presidente. Enlighten us about the person behind the screen. Tell us who you are, both in-game and in RL, as well as your favorite pastimes other than eRepublik.

AR: I'm a grad student in International Security right now which I guess explains my in-game inclinations. That takes up a bit of my time along with work so my social life is more limited.
In-game, I've mostly been a media and foreign affairs oriented person, and I just enjoy doing work to be honest. I like the experience of writing and engaging with others
I enjoy video games, I like to read, when I get the chance I like exploring bars with friends. I also make sure to stay updated with news and articles. Overall I am still a fairly reserved person.
Whiskey or Vodka?
AR: Whiskey

You won the elections with an overwhelming majority. What do you think was the biggest reason behind this/what made us have less candidates than usual?
AR: Biggest reason was likely lack of competition and campaigning from others. January isn't usually a high activity month for presidential politics.

What has been your favorite time period in eRepublik?
AR: My favorite time was probably the CoT-TWO war, just because it was the most interesting

And your favorite single moment, an achievement or a certain high point.
AR: Greatest achievement was probably being elected president the first time

Considering we are at our lowest points of activity in a long time, how do you suggest people alleviate their boredom? What can/will your government do to involve itself to make this game more interesting and increase our activity levels?
AR: We will be revitalizing domestic programs for newer players and initiating programs to encourage activity. I'll also be looking into other possibilities for increasing activity.

Like war? Maybe against the enemy our citizens love to fight against, e.g. Thailand? Would that be an option now, considering we share a border?
AR: I wouldn't say that, but we'll have to see how things develop.

If you had to pick 1 ally out of our current MPP stack, who would it be?
And 1 country that you had to make an ally from our non-MPP countries.
AR: I'd probably choose Russia or RoC as the ally. As for non MPP, I won't go there.

Once eRepublik has died and the servers have been shut off, do you think us eAmericans will still be on the forums debating the work tax and blacklisting people?
AR: I'd assume the forum would survive as the PnW section would likely live on, along with the lively discussions about Star Wars and RL politics.

I will say a word, and you say the first thing that comes into your head. Without taking a moment.

War Inc.
Ajay Bruno

American Military today

Are you a soldier stuck in the mysteries of the eWorld? It is not hard to be born into this world and lose your footing and get lost. Actually, most of us get lost quite often and get confused and lost in the rifts. If you're looking for a military unit you might want to join, here is a small start.

Introducing our current top 5 militias and armies.

1 ~ War Inc.
Private Military Unit, no political affiliations, click here to apply.
2 ~ Easy Company.
Private Military Unit, no political affiliations, click here to apply.
3 ~ United States Armed Forces. Government owned Military Unit, political affiliations towards the government, click here to apply.
4 ~ The 11 Ubermensch. Private Military Unit, no political affiliations, recruitment closed.
5 ~ VMA-214 The Black Sheep. Private Military Unit, politically affiliated with The Black Sheep Party, click here to apply.

Announcement: For all the top 50 U.S. tanks(by rankpoints) in Division 4, and the top 10 tanks in the rest of the divisions, the National Security Council(Our military headquarters) has planned to create a military thread with all of you. In order to help streamline the process and make this happen quicker, either add me as a friend, or accept my friend requests.

Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory
~ George S. Patton.

That is all for today. Remain tuned for more. 🙂 😉 😉 😃


The Dark Knight. ^_~