[WHPR] The Eagle Takes Off.

Day 3,275, 12:18 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Dateline: Monday, November 7, 2016 (Day 3,275)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Presidential Update:
DoCA Update:
War Plans:
Media's Plans and Final Thoughts:

A new president’s plan:

Today is day one for our glorious leader and I myself as well as others might be wondering, what exactly does he have in store for this month? So I thought I’d take that question into my own hands, as any American can and ask my boss and fellow coworkers what they plan to do for our country.

So I went and I asked him, what is it you want to do as our leader? And from the mouth of the president himself came these words.
"I look forward to an eventful month ahead, both internally and externally, for eUSA. I intend to fully imbibe some of the better aspects of my opponent, Azazel Romanov's proposals into this month, as we seek to create a better gaming environment for the citizens of eUSA.".
That seems quite simple to me, he wants to see eAmerica prosper with activity and eventful topics. For a browser game this is something we need, in order to keep us around. Some people enjoy their click every day and that's it. I don't think any different about them if they do but 2 clicks a day and fighting just doesn't do it for me.
So here's to a month of eAmerica being number one, as we usually are in most things.
In the Citizens Interest:

Now, we've talked about our presidents plans but what about our plans to educate eAmerica to be great again? Well we all know DoCA has had a rough go this past month or so and it will need quite a lot of work to bring itself back on top. But while it might be in a tough spot I believe Whydoibother is perfect to re America the department. I’ve worked with him before and he has the desire and the American talent to get things done

So even if he has my American belief behind him, you still need a great American plan to make things work right? Well he’s so American he’s already got one. When I asked him what it was he stated that the ultimate goal was to improve the utilization of the existing programs, to continue to improve communication with the public, and to work with the USAAC to drive newer players in their direction. After that I asked him for a specific detail on some kind of program he wants to improve, he said he wants to review the BU2SU program and maybe turn it into a perception ground focused program as well.

With everything reviewed I think DoCA has a real chance to be a perfect example of how American capitalism and American Education is #1.
Under WDIB I have high hopes for the future of DoCA.

American Colonial endeavors:

The Great Eagle looks west to Indonesia as he has done so many times before. Indonesia has been one of our greatest enemies since the start of eAmerican time. Other than Serbia I do not believe there has been anyone else we have been so adverse too. We do not plan on giving up our hard fought colonial territories anytime soon, in fact we intend to keep them for a while. As we intend to fight our way into becoming an empire, an AMERICAN empire.

From the mouth of our glorious leader himself "We look forward to holding our colonies, and adding more, as we start working to make America an Empire.".
As for solid attack locations other than Indonesia I cannot say, mostly because the Great Eagle has not told me yet but even if he knew where our next victory would take place, I could not tell you.

All I can say, is to stay tuned for American war news that I’m sure will come along.

My plans for the Media Department and final thoughts:

This is my first WHPR I’ve ever written, the first time I’ve ever been asked to take the media department over. I have heard the horror stories and I have seen the failures and the success's. but I can still say that I do not see the media department in such a horrific light yet, I enjoy writing and it’s one of the things erep lets me explore as much as I want.

As for solid Media department things, I plan on writing a WHPR twice a week. Once on Tuesday and once on Thursday. This WHPR will count as Tuesday's WHPR. I cannot promise I will have the most exciting things to talk to you about twice a week but I can promise that I will have at least something done and ready to write about then.

I have a deputy with me and his name is Tom Cauchon. Next WHPR you'll be able to see his writing skills in action as I’ve asked him to write a piece for then.

In final I’m quite excited for this term and the ability to explore something new. I do not loathe writing as much as some people seem too so I don't foresee myself vanishing for half a term either.
Today's Beautiful Eagle.