[WHPR] PDB, Media-A-Thon, QoTD, Help Wanted, War, SoM, PP Results

Day 2,980, 21:43 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Dateline: Sunday, January 17th, 2016. (Day 2,972)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Today’s WHPR Contents:
1. Press Briefing
2. Media-A-Thon Continues!
3. Gov Program: Question of the Day
4. DoCA: Help Wanted!
5. War Report
6. Cabinet Expose: The Role of the Secretary of Media
7. Party President Election Results
8. WHPR Wrap-Up

Press Briefing

SColbert, Press Secretary


Today the cabinet mainly focused on:
-Everyone begging SColbert to do things because he is such a genius
-USAF stuff
-Organizations stuff
-Foreign affairs stuff
-I'm really not allowed to give specifics so this makes things kinda terrible
-I guess a certain former VP didn't post a lot, so things were entirely disgusting
-Cyber bullying teens

Media-A-Thon Continues!
James Schubert, Deputy Secretary of Media

The first week went well and many good articles considered for the top five. Let's a take a moment to take a look at some of the articles that are being considered. Up to 30 articles are being considered. Keep on writing up to Friday January 22nd when the contest ends in the late evening around 7 p.m. US Central Time.

Here are the 30 articles that are being considered for the top 5.

On Saturday January 23rd when final top five standings for the contest will be posted. Articles are always being posted by the minute, hour, and day. If there is article that you like to submit that has written as earlier as Sunday January 10, 2016 please post a link of that article in the comments here or PM to me in private.

Here are the rules again in case anyone missed it and anyone who writes an article is automatically submitted into the contest.

Choose a subject that interests you to write about in an article. It can be literally anything from a war story, to a poem, to something funny, to a commemoration of a recent lost dead soldier, to your best anti-Serbia propaganda. For the next two weeks members can write freely and top five get to win some gold. Members of the media department will be reading all articles. Be sure to vote for articles to keep them in the Top 5 nationwide!

5 gold for #1
4 gold for #2
3 gold for #3
2 gold for #4
1 gold for #5

Now get to writing! Any eUS citizen is eligible to win some gold who places in the top 5 nationwide! On Jan. 23rd a champion will be crowned!

Gov. Program: Question of the Day
Joey3790, Deputy Secretary of Media

Is your food supply getting low as you battle your way toward that Battle Hero medal? Do you like trivia? Would you like an easy way to build your food supply back up? Are you getting tired of all my questions? Then look no further than to the Question of The Day. Yes, the DoCA has provided yet another great program to boost your energy up so that you can keep up the fight.

The Question of the Day, or QoTD, provides 50 Q5 Food or 25 Q7 Food to anyone who can answer just 1 question. Open daily to anyone, regardless of strength or experience level, the only requirement is that you must be an eUS citizen. QoTD is an excellent way to learn about the game mechanics of eRep and learn about our own eUSA community. Questions for the program are updated daily and all correct answers are rewarded with Food. If you like trivia and free food, then this program is definitely worth checking out!

So if your energy is drained and your food supply low, then I have one last question for you: Have you answered the Question of The Day yet?

To answer the Question of The Day, please click here: I know the answer!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Director of QoT😨 Yui MHCP001

DoCA: Help Wanted!
Hale26, Secretary of Citizen Affairs

DoCA needs a Program Lead for a new project we're doing. Their job would be to help organize program functions, draft policy, and hype up the program. English and excellent communication skills required. Must be Forum active and have a working gmail. Help grow your country- Contact Hale26 for further details!

War Report
Alexander_Auctoritas, Foreign Consultant

Let's take a look at the eWorld on today's edition of:

As Erepublik Turns

An Ode to eIndia, the land of refuges:

Give me your tired.
Give me your wiped.
Give me your huddled, homeless countries.
Come to India and enjoy safe haven.
Come to India for freedom.
Stay for the beautiful women.
Come to India, it's what you're cravin'.

The eUSA has been at war with eIndonesia for some time now. Let's take a quick look at the situation. In November, we decided to enjoy a little war with our neighbor. We have enjoyed the opportunity to fight with Indonesia and her allies since that time. There is even talk all over the eWorld of a joint strike against the US, on behalf of Indonesia. We fight for fun, they fight for survival. Keep earning them True Patriot Medals. I think there will be ample opportunity in the near future to continue building them up.

Who will AirStrike the eUSA? Will it be successful? I, for one, welcome the opportunity to show how strong we are as a nation. I say good luck to Bulgaria, Chile, FYROM. I say we can all have fun fighting with honor and loyalty. I say let the games begin. This talk has been all over the place for so long. Let's get this show on the road.

And, when all is said and done, perhaps Indonesia and the USA will become closer for this campaign. Perhaps we can enjoy the spirit of a good fight and the simplicity of the military module. Perhaps Indonesia and the USA can use this as an opportunity to grow and foster a mutual appreciation for this game. Perhaps not, but have fun and fight hard.

Let the games begin!

Until next time, keep it classy, and keep shakin that A**, eMurica!

Cabinet Expose: The Role of the Secretary of Media
Jaden A., Secretary of Media

The media module is simultaneously the most intimidating, most time consuming, and easiest to use module in eRepublik. Many a newbie has asked for a job in their party or in the government and said “anything but media.” Put simply, it’s a hard job to convince people to do. Some hate it because they know the intense amount of time that can be put into it. This WHPR probably had a combination of at least 6 man hours put into it between me and my deputies. Others hate it because it’s the game equivalent of public speaking. Once it’s out there, it’s out there, and people are sure to judge you because, unlike real life, behind a computer screen, we are a lot harsher to our fellow humans. We put up defense mechanisms like “I suck at writing” to avoid judgement.

I can’t really help those of you who stay out of the media because it’s too time-consuming. It’s a fact that media is just going to take a ****load of time if you want to do it right (not just post two sentences with a picture of a woman with large breasts in a bikini for votes/subs). But, if you’ve got an hour or two, and you have something to say, go for it! Media isn’t all that hard. No one expects you to be the next Shakespeare. There will alway be haters, but, if you can’t handle a bit of criticism now and then, you’re playing the wrong game.

Government media is very similar to private media, with a couple differences. First, government media requires more organization. When you’re just writing an article for yourself, there is no deadline, no superior breathing down your neck, and no public ready to yell at you for a lack of media. You can do things at your own pace. This term, we put out WHPRs twice per week- on Wednesday and Sunday nights. All articles are due at 8pm ERT that night for editing. You’ve got to stay on top of deadlines or else you’ll delay the whole paper and piss people off.

Second, government media requires less thought. I’m sure that you read that just now and thought “not if you’re doing it right!” but it’s true. Government media, since it’s a regular occurrence, has regular features. For instance, if there was just an election, you can bet that there will be a report on it in the next WHPR. We also run series, like the current “Cabinet Expose” series that I’m writing now. Once someone comes up with the initial idea, it just has to be adapted on a week-by-week basis. That works great for me as I have the creativity of a rock.

Now, the actual Secretary of Media position is a bit different from that of just a writer. The Secretary of Media can write, sure, but his/her primary job is more akin to that of an editor. If the Secretary is the only one writing, he/she will end up with a lot more work than is possible to handle, and the media quality and/or quantity will suffer. As such, it’s important to delegate. I have a Press Secretary who writes all the PDBs, a deputy in charge of the media-a-thon, and a deputy in charge of writing the advertisements for government programs weekly. In addition, I have guest writers, such as A^2, who writes our war reports, and our rotating writer covering the Cabinet Expose piece.

Each of these is one less article that I have to write, and one more that, instead, I have to edit. I have to make sure that everyone knows deadlines and assignments. I have to recruit new people. I have to read over and edit articles. I have to make sure that the articles are in similar formats. I then have to combine them into one article and add the codes that make it look “pretty.” Hence, my job is far more that of an editor than a writer, even though I typically write at least one article per week myself, which, again, is good, because I am not a good writer, but I can organize!

Party President Elections
Jaden A., Secretary of Media

Party president elections are officially over after a 24hr hold from admins to check for multies! Here are the results. (I only included candidates who received at least 10% of the vote in their party.)


The Federalists chose their Party President through a primary in their forums rather than in game, only confirming the choice made in the forums in game. The winner of their primary was Paul Proteus, and that was confirmed in the in-game vote:

Paul Proteus: 46 votes, 53.49%
gunret: 17 votes, 19.77%

Congrats to Paul Proteus!

United States Workers Party

The Worker’s Party nominate candidates for office in their forums and allow the in game vote to determine who runs their party. Dmjohnston was nominated in their forums and won the in-game vote:

dmjohnston: 53 votes, 71.62%
Alexander_Auctoritas: 9 votes, 12.16%

Congrats to dmjohnston!

We The People

Like the Feds, WTP holds a primary in their forums to determine their Party President. Oblige was the only candidate in their forums, the party chose to endorse him, and he was voted for in-game:

Oblige: 18 votes, 34.62%
Cubby: 15 votes, 28.85%
Hale26: 10 votes, 19.23%

Congrats to Oblige!

Socialist Freedom Party

The Socialists do not hold a primary or nominations. Anyone who runs in game will be considered a legitimate candidate that is not attempting a PTO! Illiguy won in-game:

Illiguy: 30 votes, 47.62%
Marius CB: 18 votes, 28.57%
nonak: 9 votes, 14.29%

Congrats to Illiguy!

Black Sheep Party

Like SFP, the Sheep do not hold a primary or nominations, and anyone in game is considered a legitimate candidate. Arrden won in-game:

Arrden: 50 votes, 67.57%
Captain Black Sheep: 14 votes, 18.92%

Congrats to Arrden!

Get Involved in Your Party!

If you are looking to get involved in your party, now is the time! I have included links to message each of these newly elected party leaders. Use them! Taking a party job is the easiest way to get involved in politics as a whole. You can work in recruitment- recruiting new citizens or members of other parties to your own party. You can work in retention- running the “fun” programs that keep people in your party and the game. You can work in media- informing members of your party as well as the country on what’s going on in your party and what makes it great! There are many ways that you can get involved. All that you have to do is ask!

Got an idea for a WHPR article? Want to join the team? Message Jaden A. to apply! We need talented writers! Be sure to participate in our writing contest, as well! Any article can be entered for a shot at some free gold!

Thanks for reading!


Your Media Team,
Jaden A.,
James Schubert,
Joey3790, and