[WHPR] PDB, Media-A-Thon, MoW, SoS, PP Elections

Day 2,976, 23:46 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Dateline: Wednesday, January 14th, 2016. (Day 2,976)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Today’s WHPR Contents:
1. Press Briefing
2. Media-A-Thon Continues!
3. Meals on Wheels!
4. Cabinet Expose: The Role of the Secretary of State
5. Party President Primaries and Pre-Election Build-Up
6. WHPR Wrap-Up

Press Briefing
SColbert, Press Secretary


Today the cabinet mainly focused on:
-David Bowie
-So much ****ing David Bowie
-Understanding the complexities of the modern child
-Wondering why children aren't mature
-Foreign affairs stuff
-Orka tried to seem like he was in charge
-SColbert ignored him properly
-Pfeiffer, Resoula, and Scott Coyle all agreed on their hatred of the modern youths

Media-A-Thon Continues!
Jaden A., SoM

Don't forget that our Media-A-Thon continues this week! As announced in our last WHPR, we have a government-sponsored Media contest going on this week and next, until the 23rd! Any media will work, as long as it makes it into the top 5 at some point or you pm James Schubert or Jaden A. with your submission so that we know to judge it! Unfortunately, we can only accept submissions in English as we cannot properly judge what we cannot understand. So far, we have these articles in the running in no particular order:

Junior Journalist

The Interview and Conspiracy


Idea of Progress in eUSA

I say! (part two)

Jack Daniels & War Child charity

Today is time to change our Ideology!

Illiguy for SFP Chair

Conspiracy Theories, Aliens, and the eUSA Government

best wages 2975

Join the Bear Calvary Communes Today!

I love that we have such a vibrant, active media with so many articles! If we did not get yours, don’t fret! Just message James or me with a link to your article and check that (a) you’re a US citizen and (b) that your article was published after our first WHPR on the 10th. Keep those submissions coming for a shot at some gold!

Meals on Wheels!
Joey3790, dSoM

A long day of working, training, and fighting can leave a person famished and out of energy at the end of the day. That can be tough on everyone, especially our younger players. But I have good news for all you tired players out there: the eUS Department of Citizens Affairs has you covered! Yes, through their Meals on Wheels program you can gain your energy back.

Meals on Wheels, or MoW, is a program that gives younger players up to 500 Wellness per day in food to boost up that energy bar. The only requirements are that you hold eUS citizenship and are at Level 30 or less. If you fit those requirements, all you need to do is fill out a simple form. The link to the form is below. Rest assured, no credit card is required. But please have your eRepublik name, eRepublik profile ID number, and maximum energy amount handy, though.

For help in finding…

-Your eRepublik name: Simply look at the name next to the US flag under your avatar picture.

-Your profile ID number: Click on your avatar picture and copy the number at the end of the website address in the address bar.

-Your maximum energy amount: Just look at the number in the green bar under your avatar picture.

-Further help in locating these items: Ask a trusted and experienced eFriend

Remember, you don’t have to stop working, training, and fighting just because your energy is low. Just like a certain pink rabbit featured in a battery commercial, with Meals on Wheels you can keep going and going!

To request up to 500 Wellness in food per day please click the form here: Feed me!

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the MoW Director: Kodos

Cabinet Expose: The Role of the Secretary of State
Aramec, Secretary of State

To the average player who has not experienced being part of a national cabinet, how departments such as Foriegn Affairs operate may be a mystery they can only guess at. There is a great deal of mystic and real world assumptions that come with you upon first joining the game. The truth of the matter is that - while there are many parallels - the complexity is not nearly on par with that of real life.

At its base, Foreign Affairs is social awareness. The movie Inside Out actually gives a good model for how this feels and works: view each country in the game as a person, and each citizen a mood which can often affect it. Understand its history - both out of the game and in relation to other past actions within eRepublik - and apply that to how it might react to certain scenarios. This is the theoretical aspect of the job; but the best Ministers of Foreign Affairs are not only good historians and insightful thinkers, they're sociable.

The real legwork of Foreign Affairs is done through simply building bonds. Alliances have turned and grown simply because you know a person better than another one. To the standard psyche, an unknown stranger is the Other you don't care about invading or dealing with, while a friend is someone you want to build and interact with.

All countries are selfish in their wants; each of them is thinking how they can benefit from any given scenario. Navigating the web of MPPs and history in the game can sometimes be daunting, and the threshold for getting involved with FA work is often set high because of how critical it is to the function of a state. However, with proper learning, patience in dealing with others, and a willingness to learn, the job is really quite graspable once you accept that this is a game, and in a game people want to feel like they've won.

Party President Primaries and Pre-Election Build-Up
Jaden A., SoM

Party president election season has kicked off with the beginning of primaries in 3 of the top 5 parties!


The Federalists choose their Party President through a primary in their forums rather than in game, only confirming the choice made in the forums in game. Their primary is currently in progress. It is between:


Paul Proteus

Currently, Orikfricai has 7 votes, and Paul Proteus has 17 votes.

United States Workers Party

The Workers Party nominate candidates for office in their forums and allow the in game vote to determine who runs their party. According to Azazel Romanov, two candidates are expected to receive the requisite 2 nominations to become candidates:

Henry Pfeiffer Arundel


We The People

Like the Feds, WTP holds a primary in their forums to determine their Party President. Currently, there is only one candidate, who members can choose to endorse or not to endorse:


Currently, there are 6 votes to endorse Oblige and no votes not to.

Socialist Freedom Party

The Socialists do not hold a primary or nominations. Anyone who runs in game will be considered a legitimate candidate that is not attempting a PTO! There are 4 candidates currently listed as running for SFP’s Party President:

Mr. Mirage
Marius CB

Black Sheep Party

Like SFP, the Sheep do not hold a primary or nominations, and anyone in game is considered a legitimate candidate. There are 7 candidates currently listed as running for BSP’s Party President:

Henry William French
Captain Black Sheep
Dominar Rygel XVI

Get Involved in your Party!

Whatever party you are in, be sure to make your voice heard and vote for the candidate that you think will run your party the best! Today is the last day that any party primaries or nominations will occur. On the 15th, in game elections take place!

Additionally, if you are interested in working in your party’s leadership, be sure to contact the candidates for PP in your party and ask how you can help! There are almost always things that need doing, and it is best to ask sooner rather than later so that you have more choice in what jobs you take on!

Got an idea for a WHPR article? Want to join the team? Message Jaden A. to apply! We need talented writers! Be sure to participate in our writing contest, as well! Any article can be entered for a shot at some free gold!

Thanks for reading!


Your Media Team,
Jaden A.,
James Schubert,
Joey3790, and