[WGC] How to Spot a Hungarian Takeover

Day 542, 12:44 Published in Canada Canada by Dade Pendwyn

Canadian Conduit - Issue #33

Are you sick of those pesky Hungarians popping into Canada and trying to take it over? Want to know how to spot those sneaky little critters before they gain parliamentary control? Just look for these signs and you’ll be calling in the exterminators in no time.

1) They show up the day before or day of Party President election day.
2) They run for Party President in the party with the fewest congressional seats because they think it’s the least active.
3) They have a nauseatingly stereotypical avatar that no self respecting Canadian would actually have. Popular choices are Canadian flags, beavers, lumberjacks and maple syrup (in other words, the way foreigners imagine Canada).
4) They work for a company with a Canadian Flag as a logo so they’ll somehow appear more patriotic.
5) They mention in shouts that they can be found on a Hungarian irc channel (#boffin on mibbit).
6) Their donation list is full of those ugly PEACE circles.
7) They have no friends, yet they have a lot of 20 gold donations to and from Indos and Hungarians.

So there you go. Just look for those 7 tell-tale indicators and you can get rid of those varmints in no time. If you’re wondering why somebody who was born only a month ago is running for Party President, and how that person has transferred donations of dozens of gold with other PEACE members, that’s for a future article. It’s called “How to Spot a Multi”.

Your friendly neighbourhood exterminator,
Dade Pendwyn

*For those of you who aren't the brightest crayon in the box, Netfalo is a Hungarian multi trying to take over the PPC.*