[West Midlands] The Triumphant Return of The Regional Council

Day 1,011, 04:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by West Midlands Regional Council
Hello Citizens of West Midlands + The eUK,

Following the implementation of V2, the regional council, discarded towards the end of V1 as just a nostalgic memory of how the game used to be, has returned!

Councils up and down the country have opened their dusty doors once more and the West Midlands is proud to be the start of a trend which hopefully shall continue. Currently the West Midlands, East Midlands and Yorkshire & Humberside have been trying to get these regional communities back into action, but of course we need your help!

There are still many Councils, which need a committed and determined figure to be the force behind them opening once more. You do not need to be someone in Congress or an old-timer, just someone with the desire and dedication to make it work.

However, following the tedious war which we find ourselves in, I must remind all Citizens, to move to Fortress London. You do not need to live in a region, to be a council member, and I’m sure in time, we will be able to move back to our much loved regions once more.

Moving on, a gripping turn of events yesterday saw a staggering 47 congressman being elected this term. Seven of them in our very own West Midlands.

The Congressman representing West Midlands this term including three Council Members are:

From The Unity Party:

Sir Mic – Councillor of Transport and Lt. Col of the 5th Regiment.

Skillz88 – Councillor of Entertainment.

From The United Kingdom Reform Party:

Jazzaa – (Myself) Councillor of Media and Major of the 3rd Regiment.

Sir Humphrey Appleby – Party President of the UKRP.

From the Radical Freethinkers Alliance:

Emergy Maxfell – Successful Business owner + Army Command.

Filombeh – New and Eager MP

From The Real Democrats:

John Rupert Miranda – New and Eager MP

So there you go! West Midland’s MP’s for this term.
Two other people are a key part in the operation of the West Midlands Council; these are Bamber, our Councillor of Health and the person, who has done his very best, to make West Midlands Council a success. Viperb10, oversees all action taken by the council, and is a very active and determined Chairman of the Council.

The West Midlands Council objectives this term are to:

- Aid people moving to Fortress London as long as it is necessary.
- To advise new citizens on wellness and happiness in V2
- To provide competitions and general entertainment for the region
- To keep the in-game community well informed and up to date of West Midlands Council Activity.

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Also, Visit The Regional Forums to find out where you could help out!

Kind Regards,


(Proud Councillor of Media and MP for West Midlands)