[WCA #4] Particular Party Paragraphs

Day 546, 22:04 Published in Australia South Korea by Ambrose Didymus

With 37% of current congress members, the Aus Democratic Socialist Party (ADSP) is the most highly represented in the current congress. The views of party members tend to be reactionary and populist, with a strong belief that the government has both the duty and competence to fix issues that have an impact on the majority of eAustralian citizens. If you believe that eAustralia has progressed well in recent months and feel that you are better off now then you were one month ago, then your vote should go to this party; as they are likely to continue with the same policies currently at work in eAustralia.

At one stage, the Australian National Party (ANP) rivaled the ADSP in terms of party members and congress representation. In recent months however, the growing force of The True Blue Party - which shares a similar ideological standpoint - has led the ANP to play a reduced role in the eAustralian political scene. This party typically favors policies that lead to less government involvement in the marketplace. Vote for the ANP if you believe government has become too large to operate effectively.

Taking a centrist approach to many issues, the True Blue Party (TBP) counter-balances the effects of ADSP and ANP policies. While generally favouring fewer restrictions on government interference in the marketplace than the ADSP, this party also favours some social welfare government measures that the ANP would baulk at. This balanced viewpoint helps to attract citizens who are generally disgruntled with the tiresome bickering that often takes place in political debates.

The Australian Independents Party was created as a means to give citizens without any particular political affiliation a chance to have a voice in congress. Members of this party cannot be labelled with a distinct or concrete political ideology. So a vote for a member of this party should be based on your own experiences and interaction with that individual candidate.

Communist political parties are often dismissed by western citizens based solely on a simmering USA vs. USSR cold-war reputation. However they can claim something that no other political group is able to - their views are based on a pure, distilled and basic philosophy. This philosophical base - best summed up by the phrase "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" - leads to consistent and well thought-out policy decisions. Vote for the Australian Communist Party (ACP) if this philosophy rings true with your own beliefs.

The Australian Royalist Party (ARP) is the latest entrant onto the eAustralian political scene. Little has been released from this group with regards to policy. However, judging by the party name and based on its political orientation, this group's blue-blooded brethren appear to be aiming to transform eAustralia's current concept of governance into an authoritarian monarchy. Citizens who agree whole-heartedly with the vision and words of LordTobio are advised to vote for an Australian Royalist candidate in the upcoming congress elections.