[WCA #1] : Obviously A One Time Applicant

Day 530, 22:12 Published in Australia Ukraine by Australian Warlord

Most people go and boast how grand they are. You're supposed to go on about how you've climbed K9 (you can't say Everest as there's probably a record of who's climbed it) or you could go on about how you're perfect & can never be wrong or maybe you're a Casanova (just being careful about not mentioning Kings Cross or The Valley) or maybe you're a Rambo or even maybe you're going to claim that you're a able bodied Steven Hawking.

You see all types of exaggerated boasts by people noones even heard of. Well I don't need them. I don't need to introduce myself nor make any boast at all. Friends know who I am & enemies see me as the biggest threat in the world.

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I know I'm great. You ain't anybody unless strangers starts making entire threads in your honour.
Noone else with a WCA entry can claim that. Umm is that good I'm not sure ... Of course it is. I mean that everyone who's written about must be good. Lets have a quick flick in the world book to prove it. .....

Ok here's one, a painter, solder president. That sounds good .... lets see .... Hitler .. Aldolf .... .... ummm ok that's just a one time error, lets try again .... A actress .... Lizzy Taylor ..... oh (shiver at the thought of the prune) ..... ..... Ok lets try again .... Check of name first this time .... Jackson Mic.... ummm what was the first one again .... oh wait he supposedly liked the company of young boys too .... .... oh drats. There goes everything that I had been saying. That's it I don't want to win this silly competition anyway.

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Besides I'm sure the placards will be out when I go through the airport turnstiles anyway. I'm sure they're already up waiting (ps : I'll have to do my bit to stop a PTO attempt tomorrow first).