[Water Mirror] Reflections on a Peaceful yet Deafening Silence

Day 467, 04:56 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by wander howard

Has anybody realized that we had a very peaceful weekend?

I even forgot that Romania was the one challenging us in the first place (before we played swapping territory).

I even forgot that INDONESIA now rules over almost all India!

Let me digress a bit to express my heartfelt thrill.
Our RL history recorded that the best Indonesians could do was to conquer Malaya Peninsula, a bit of Cambodia, Phillipine (details are a bit blur over there), and I bet not even the whole Papua.

Even when we spoke of exploration, our ancestors could reach only up to Madagascar (and look at how we get South Africa?! You could come to Erep and mistake us as the Boers]? lol.)

When I write of this, I came to realize we're sort of like British Empire.
REALLY? Well... British got Argentina alright, and even with the Falkland War stuffs like we did on Pampas War...

We had South Africa, we usurped the Govs there, we wiped out the citizens and thrived on Western Cape and had a beautiful Hospital there...

We had some sort of dealings with Thailand (just like King Mongkut or Chow Yun Fat did with Anna) and had our way with getting some Highway made... nyum... and we still come out as brothers...

And we had India and Pakistan lol... (With Dalai Lama as a Bonus)

And we DID NOT have China... (Except we did unite with our moslem brothers of Xinjiang)

But we got Malaysia down (if the false cry is true that we plan to deep-fry them like tempeh goreng...)

So, we the Islanders had now become a sort of Empire. Maybe we can follow Genghiskhan soon if we manage to defeat the Romanian in their Godly realm. This, of course doesn't really reflect that we became stiff and gentleman-ly like our British counterpart, we still like T-shirts better than Tuxedos. We love beach and sun rather than 4 Seasons no matter how beautiful they are in our calendars, we love bananas (for innuendos and food), kangkung, soto betawi, lemper (am I just listing my favorite food so as to represent the Empire? lol).

It's just that we had the mentality of an Empire you know.
Do forgive if this sounds arrogant, but if you ARE in our boots now, just like hundreds of Magyar brothers who now lived in our dewata Islands (not just Bali! And I want Bali Region Established!!)

We think ourselves big. But beware for young generations who just played this game (including ME, of course) that the process to become such a big country passed through so many hardships that made us tough. It made us proud. It made us want to reach our hands through the horizons and reached our dreams.

So for newbies and teenagers of Magyars and Indos alike, learn to cope with the hardship of Work and Train first. It's nothing compared to a man who must deploy a Nation from Scratch in Borneo Island.

They say that the true men were born under extreme challenge and tested by the heavens. If so, we could say that Indonesia had managed to pass several of those tests. And Hungary had passed the darkest hour and spawned into what could be a Nation bigger than Indonesia.

Weks... I digress too much.

The point is: I just want to challenge Romania back.

Where are you Romans? Where's your voice? When will you declare war against us?
We miss u so much!
And don't use the Twilight of any Presidential Seat as an excuse for no action and many campaigns.

We are a nation of MUCH TALK AND MUCH ACTION!
We are still brothers of many nations who looked upon us as reliable family member.

I say this because the Silence is too Deafening.
Or should we use this Silence as it is...

We take a deep breath, and instead of worry, and let us take a moment to remind us how happy we are now

we might as well treat ourself with a Q5 food, or write an article, or click vote and subscribe and comment this rambling.

PS: I still want Bali as a Region though, and I bet my skin that I could rally votes for a Q5 Hospital there with a Kecak Dance Hooray in the Congress.

So congress, whaddaya say for Hospital and Defense for Pulau Dewata?
CHA CHA CHAK CHAK CHAK CHAK CHAK CHAK CHAK!!! (and then comes Christiano Ronaldo and then Extra J*SS!!!!!)

Man, this article is so much fun. I digress too much.
Once again, take a deep breathe to refresh us while this beautiful silence last.

Koszi, makasih,

Wander Bali Howard