[WAR] Oppression and slavery

Day 602, 04:31 Published in USA Romania by MarinFirma

This is a message to all the free and open-minded citizens of the New World.

A couple of month ago, Romania was the dominating power in eRepublik. It was accused of being a nation of oppressors that spanned over almost 50 regions. It had the strongest economy in the world, making tons of money that fueled its endless military campaigns of world domination. Strength, discipline and numbers made Romania the most powerful nation in the world, helped it keep the backbone of the former alliance ATLANTIS. Perhaps this brief description doesn't reflect Romania's real image, but I'm pretty sure it reflects how Romania was perceived by the rest of the world.

And as Romania was on its way to Karnataka, threatening to obliterate the fragile balance of the New World and destroy Indonesia after Hungary itself was lying in ruins, something happened. Following the earlier baby boom in Hungary and with the help of (yet unproved) cheats, bust mostly due to their superior discipline and tactical brilliance, the allied forces of PEACE GC were able to repel the Romanians and send them back to their original 9 provinces.

The entire world cheered as ATLANTIS and Romania shattered into ruins. No longer will there be one great nation to enslave and oppress the little people. No longer will there be one great power to threaten the independence of the free people of the world. No longer will there be one tyrant to rule with an iron fist over half the world, in complete contempt of the will, ideals and desires of Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Pakistani and so on. So the New World rejoiced after seeing the fall of the strongest country and the biggest threat to their independence, peace and national security.

A couple of months later, Hungary knocks at the gates of the Americas. With a large number of puppet governments under their control (France, Italy, Portugal, Iran, just to name a few), the hungarians and the indonesians have united their forces once again. This time not to defend their lands, but to conquer half of the New World.

I urge the free people of the New World to set aside their differences, their past mistakes and their preconceptions. I urge the free people of the New World to open their eyes and see that Hungary is the new oppressor and enslaver of the little people, that it wants to rule the world with the same contempt for the desires of their subjects, with the same iron fist that Romania was accused of displaying a few months ago. Their arrogance is only matched by their discipline, but we can still overcome if we work together.

Hungary is now the new Romania. Hungary is the new oppressor that wants to take over the world, its resources and its people. The time has come to stand up and act. We must not accept this new form of slavery, with our country still on the map, but with its government controlled by foreigners. We must fight against PEACE GC! For our freedom! For our future!