[VOTE PAKATAN RAKYAT] = Part 3= Pakatan Rakyat Policies For Congress Election

Day 793, 05:16 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by cct_84

Pakatan Rakyat Policies For Congress Election:

1) We request Cabinet Meeting:
We request that our nation should have weekly Cabinet meeting (maybe in IRC room) to any debate our nation issues. So every elected congressman can ask voice out their opinion or question on nation issues. It will let every eMalaysian know who are really working for eMalaysia. Because what i observe in previous Congress election is everything back to normal after congress election and what their job is just to cast their vote. So, why people are running for congress? maybe to earn the 5 gold only!!!

2) We request our government to promote our country product:
After sending some message to some flying ticket company and i found out they are going to eAustralia to buy oil, but how about eMalaysia? we have oil resources but no one come here to buy? Government should do something to promote our industry.

3) We request our government to setup a forum:
Government should set up a forum for eMalaysian because i found that we cant trace back the the topic in IRC room, so newbie repeating to ask the same question to me, forum is the best solution for that.

So, send more opposition members into the congress!!!
Vote Pakatan Rakyat candidate for the coming election!!!



The President of Pakatan Rakyat

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