[VOTE PAKATAN RAKYAT] = Part 2= Two Party System, People Is Ready !!!

Day 792, 06:52 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by cct_84

Citizen A: If we are notready now, we will never be ready. The two-party system is less aboutthe people than the maturity of politicians.

Usually, it isnot the fault of the parties but certain individuals with vestedinterests who will encourage or instigate disruptions in the handoverof power. In relation to that, there are worries that there are toomany vested interests who fear they may be prosecuted and/or put intojail for their wrongdoings over the years.

Regardless, Malaysiahas to go through this for the sake of long-term maturity. Once atwo-party system is established, government services, the armed forces,the Election Commission, the police and the MACC will become moreindependent mainly thanks to the change of officeholders and thereforms that are initiated. We can only hope that peace will prevail.

Citizen B: The people are ready.

Citizen C: For all intents and purposes, the two-party system will not be favouredeither by the Gorvernment or Opposition. But the reality is that Malaysianeeds to move in that direction as soon as possible.

This is toprovide Malaysians with a truly democratic and diverse spectrum ofparties from which to make their choices. Ask any political partywhether they want to share power and the answer would be a loud 'no'.

We already have in place a two-coalition systemin Penang, Selangor, Kedah, Perak. While that is only on the statelevel so far, it is just one step away from the federal level. Thepeople in these states will have the firsthand opportunity to see forthemselves how Opposition governs and compare its performance to Government. Fromthere on, it's up to them to make their choice.

Citizen D:Political maturity is not like an 'on' or 'off' switch. There's no suchthing as 'being ready' for a two-party system and then you turn it'on'. Political maturity is a process and it evolves.

Perhapswhat Wong Chin Huat intends to say is that we are at the beginning ofthe process. Malaysians, as a whole, are maturing and being moreparticipative in political matters. This leads to groupings oflike-minded people.

As such, the emergence of a two-party systemis inevitable and it will be akin a new-born baby which will grow andmature over time. Like all babies, it will have its fair share ofknocks and bruises along the way.

Read Part 1 : Two Party System For eMalaysia ???

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