[VOTE PAKATAN RAKYAT] = Part 1= Two Party System For eMalaysia ???

Day 791, 06:54 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by cct_84

What is two-party system:

Atwo-party system is a form of party system where two major politicalparties dominate voting in nearly all elections, at every level. As aresult, all, or nearly all, elected offices end up being held bycandidates endorsed by one of the two major parties. Coalitiongovernments occur only rarely in two-party systems.

Advantages of a two-party system:

1) Political leaders are compelled to think of the people because the people has one more choice.

2) Government will heard the voice or suggestion from the opposition or people if they want their proposal to be approve in the house.

3) Give hopes to the opposition that they have the change to rule the country.

4)To remind the government that there are the possibility to kick thecurrent government out from the house and lets the opposition rule if the government are not follow peoples' will.

5) If voter is not satisfied with one party he can think of the second one.


For a better eMalaysia, please vote opposition (Pakatan Rakyat)



The President of Pakatan Rakyat

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