**Update**Once More Into the Breach**

Day 754, 19:09 Published in USA USA by Pragmat

Greetings my Fellow Americans,

So it begins, the first in what is sure to be a long series of battles. The Japanese retreated Kyushu and we have launched our attack on Indonesia in Fujian.

Here are the official orders from the Department of Defense.

There are a lot of great papers covering the onset of this conflict, so instead of choosing one I will simply provide links to all of them:

Everyday American - Joe DaSmoe

Defense Intel Review - Aeros

The Global Sentinel - HeinekenCoC

Official White House Press Release

Presidential Address

Other News

A came across a great article today from former eUS President and current Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staffs Gaius Julius.

Check out and participate in the Seal Team 6 Media Mogul Project.

History Today (December 13th)

1545- Council of Trent begins
1636- United States National Guard founded in Massachusetts Bay Colony
1769- Dartmouth College founded
1862- Battle of Fredericksburg
1937- Rape of Nanjing
1949- Capital of Israel moved to Jerusalem
2002- The European Union announced 10 new members by 2004
2003- Saddam Hussein captured by US Forces

That is all for now,

Daniel Dodge