[UKPP] RFeist for CP!

Day 1,809, 15:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Grampa Alfagrem

As agreed at the last party conference the UKPP held an open nomination process for entry onto the partywide ballot.

48hours of polling later the player with the plurality (and in this instance majority) of the votes and the UKPP nominee for the office of Country President is.....

Born only six months ago (during TUP nominee Talon Karrde's second term) he has managed to amass in his relativly short time 3 congressional medals, A term as PP of the UKPP and has even found time to command the Royal Navy MU.

Thankyou again to all 109 voters and good luck to all runners,

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Various TUPers - "Zomg! Buying votes for articles.
The game gives an article a 3 day life span therefore if you want to maximise the exposure of your message, train of thought or (in this instance) a result - you do so.

It's been said time and time before - you guys can RP it up all you like as that seems to be your preference. We prefer to play the game and will therefore eek every advantage out of the way it is set-up to do so.

Spygon - Who is Mr Feist?
The blurb about him was the blurb supplied on the ballot.

Should others know about him given he has spent almost everyday of his eLife in some in-game position of power? I don't know!

On the one hand you could say that people should be aware of that fact if they looked outside their immediate chain of command but as you alluded, He hasn't published alot of articles or made many shouts and therefore he hasn't exactly promoted himself like others would.

I imagine his campaing team will be "pushing this guy's name in everybody's faces" to address that lack of 'look at me mom, see what I can do' self promotion.

Thomas7654321 - Usually parties are bitter about supporting a former member. Now it shows how much UKPP is a puppet of New Era. Well done.

The process followed was that agreed upon at the last party conference.
i) Partywide message asking for candidates
ii) Other party presidents (one to ten minus spamicans) informed that they would need to submit a name prior to date/time 'x'
iii) Partywide ballot of all applicants + nominees from other parties
iv) Publish result

The democratic process was followed to the letter, if you think this makes 109 eUKers simple drones or pawns of another party or intrest group then I really can't help you with that.

Joshua - "but he's only a new guy and has no experience, lacks a gold medal from the winter olympics, hasn't been knighted by Woldy or sacrificed to baal!?!!!?!"

Game says he's got enough EXP points to run, UKPP members know he can organise stuff and given that our previous super-old, super-level CP's haven't exactly set the world on fire.....give youth its head.