[UK] VIP - Remarkable personalities No. 1

Day 745, 01:36 Published in United Kingdom USA by Moritz von Sachsen

Interview with Doctor Chasarski

Hereby I am starting a new series of interviews which aims to bring so called VIPs closer to you all.

We start with a person who got his first Media Mogul Medal when his level was only 3.
The only chance to know about him is your participation in his lottery and the adverts for this in the afternoon of yesterday.
His name is Doctor Chasarski. He agreed to give us an exclusive interview.
The following interview belongs to this article.

Hello Doctor Chasarski, it's a pleasure to meet the probably youngest Media Mogul of the New World!
As the managing editor of the 'Sachsenspiegel', a German newspaper, I have some questions to you and would be delighted if you could answer it to the interested readers.

Sachsenspiegel: Could you please introduce yourself with a few words?
Doctor Chasarski: My name is Doctor Chasarski. I used to be Deniz Khazari till I was banned three days ago.
I am a house seller, and I think I am the biggest one since August.

I wonder how fast you got the Media Mogul Medal. You wrote it was only 4 hours and 42 minutes. Which steps have you done in which chronological order?
4 hours and 42 min exactly.
a) make a decision
b) check who is subscribing to what
c) allocate budget
d) write honest ("stupid article", etc.)
e) advertise when there are 3500+ players on site (make sure you can stay all this time online)
f) advertise in Spanish, Russian sections separately - they would bring at least 15%, make translations with google (better than none)
g) start distributing prizes transparently - to upkeep the interest
h) answer the letters you receive
i) believe 🙂

How much gold did you spent at all for these actions (winnings, adverts)?
total spent was 280G. 150G for prizes (+Q5 house) and 100G for advertisement.

Where did you got all this money from?
As I mentioned I am a house seller. We first started with reselling other manufacturers' houses (me and partners). Then we built pretty much an empire of housing companies and now almost 30% of houses we sold are ours. August - December I made 1000 sales. Today my direct and indirect wealth is about 4000G. Some of the factories were banned in orgs (like Duty Free Wood was lost along with Q7 Gunzilla - ex BioShock that I bought from Big Brother).

Do you think this method would work for every newspaper owner?
This will not work for everybody. I was level 20 and had 190 subs to my normal paper ZTM. The last time I tried to get Mogul my friends (who are the readers) were so pissed off by this "unfair" method that I just stopped it.
Good method of doing it (will someone decide to waste 300G) will be opening an org -> establishing new newspaper -> advertising and getting to 900+ -> stopping the lottery -> swapping the newspaper to personal account -> asking some friends to subscribe till it makes 1000.
Another example is dSoKre. Make a brilliant newspaper and you get there with some effort. In a year.

What are the next goals for you in the New World?
My previous goals were to become eCzech president in December but since I am banned I can breath and will probably help my Freedom party members trying to get enough influence to win the congressional elections again.

Your story is really interesting! One should make a film with this stuff.
Thank you very much for answering these questions.

I want to thank you for your interest 🙂
Doctor Chasarski

This interview was conducted by
Moritz von Sachsen

If you are interested in reading an interview with another remarkable personality in eRepublik then please send me a PM.

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